
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-25

TOPIC It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or disagree?
Many people like to live in the countryside because of many conditions. However, if they live in the countryside, their children cannot get a good education and job. The following essay will demonstrate why children should grow up in a big city.
If children grow up in a big city, they can get more opportunities to learn about technologies such as computers (how to use it). Nowadays, technologies are very important for everybody. If someone doesn’t know about technologies, he/she cannot develop himself/herself. They will be left behind. Besides this, almost everything in the world is modern. If children live in the countryside, they cannot adapt themselves for the new world. It is so terrible.
Furthermore, many schools or universities are located in a big city. So if children live in a big city, they can choose which universities that they want to enroll. On the other hand, if they live in the countryside, they haven’t more choices.
They can find a good job only in a big city such as New York. In a big city, there are a lot of opportunities to find a good job. Besides this, they can improve themselves in that they will meet other people who have a lot of experiences. Moreover, most famous firms are located in big city. If they can apply to these firms, it means they can earn a lot of money. It is a good way to prove themselves. If they live in the countryside, they will be stuck in small firms. They cannot make a lot of money. How about their family? If they can earn a lot of money, they can buy everything that they want and the power and fame will follow them. They can prove themselves in only a big city because there is high competition there.
In short, living in a big city has many advantage. Children can get more chances to apply to a good university and firm. Don’t be hesitate to live in a big city; then your life will be happy.
demonstrate 论证
technologies 科技
adapt for 使适应
in that 因为
fame 声望


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