
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-25

TOPIC Some people say that physical exercise should be a required part of every school day. Other people believe that students should spend the whole school day on academic studies. Which opinion do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
Most people agree that it is important to get an academic education. But what is a matter of debate is whether or not exercise should be part of this academic curriculum. During a regular school day when students take classes such as Biology, Mathematics, History, Language Arts, and Social Studies, administrators should allow these same students to engage in physical exercise. Physical exercise will increase the overall wellness of the students, it will teach the children teamwork, and it will give them a chance to release some stress from their rigorous academic studies.
It is a known fact that cardiovascular (心血管的)exercise, or the stretching of the cardiac(心脏的) tissue of the heart, is necessary for us if we want to remain healthy. Thus, students should be given a chance to perform at least twenty minutes of continuous exercise at least three times a week (this is the recommended amount of time by doctors worldwide). Doing this will make students’ hearts and bodies stronger, hence increasing their overall wellness.
Additionally, setting time aside each day for students to exercise can teach them the important skill of teamwork. For example, in the game of baseball, there are many positions: catcher, pitcher, first baseman, second baseman, outfielder and so on. When the opposing team hits a ball to the outfield, the outfielder must catch the ball and then throw it to the first baseman in an attempt to get the runner out. Every team member must work together in order to successfully beat the opponent. A valued skill not only in school but also in the business community, teamwork prepares a student for his/her future vocation.
Finally, allowing students to exercise can help them to take their mind off of classroom stresses. To illustrate, suppose a student takes a two hour long history test. After the test, the student will feel mentally exhausted, perhaps making him or her unable to concentrate on any academic subjects directly after the test. If this student is allowed to go outside to exercise, the student will be able to take his/her mind off of studying for a short while. When the student returns to the classroom, he/she will feel energized. Now the student will be able to be more productive.
Because of these and other reasons, most schools already give students a chance to exercise. In fact, my elementary and high school made it a requirement for all students. Consequently, I can truly say that my health, my ability to work well with others, and the low-stress life I currently lead is a direct result of exercising having been made a necessary part of my school day.
curriculum 课程
engage in 从事,参加
stress 压力
overall 全面的
set aside 留出


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