
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06

NO.6 Listening---speaking
    Listening (an academic lecture on a certain topic) 
    Speaking (a lecture on the same topic)     20” to prepare
Using points and examples from the talk, explain how the automobile and the radio contributed to a common culture in the United States.

Sample answer:
In this listening material, the professor talks about something about America’s history. One hundred years ago, because of the lack of communication, there was a little difference between people in different places. And then automobile and radio changed this situation. When automobiles became inexpensive, people from small towns could travel easily to cities or to other parts of the country. And when they began to do this , they started acting like people from those other regions and started to dress and speak in the same way. Also, when radio became popular, people from different parts of the country began listening to the same programs and the same new reports and began to speak alike and have similar experiences and ideas.
Listening Passage 1 (academic)
Topic of Listening passage: mass migration of people
Main points of the material:
    People moved from one part of the word to another on a much large scale than they   
    had during any previous migrations
    The mass migrations occurred because of new cheap and fast means of transportation 
    The mass migrations occurred because large investors financed a lot of the settlement 
    and gave immigrants free land.
    most immigrants were motivated mainly by the hope of a better life for themselves and 
    their children .
Using points and examples from the lecture , describe the mass migrations of people in the
nineteenth century ,and explain why these migrations occurred .
Listening Passage 2 (academic)
    two techniques of convincing people to do things
Main points about this topic:
    foot-in-the-door technique first small then large request (bicycle  car)
    door-in-the-face technique first large then small request (car bicycle) guilty
Listening Passage 3 (academic)
Topic of this listening passage: American Bison in  last few hundred years
Main idea of this passage:
    rapid settlement, over hunting (It was caused by )
    Mississippi River  north to  south   
    Transcontinental Railroad east to west
    1700’s 50m 1800’s extinct east mid 1800’s north and south herd; early1900’s     
    several hundred 
    ABS (American Bison Society)
    now 30,000 no longer endanger

Question :
Using the points and examples from the lecture, explain the three main ways that anufacturers sell goods to consumers.

Sample answer:
In this conversation, the professor discusses three main ways for manufactures to present goods for sale.
One way is direct sales. Direct sales take place in the customer’s home in a business setting. Examples are door-to-door sales, catalog shopping, telemarketing, and internet shopping.
Another way to see goods is retail sales, which take place in stores. Examples are department stores, discount chains, supermarkets, hardware stores, car dealerships, drugstores and convenience stores. Retail stores are a convenient way for consumers to buy.
Another way to sell goods is wholesaling, where goods are sold at lower prices because customers buy in large quantities . Examples are outlet stores and selling to retail stores. Wholesaling is the most practical way for the widespread distribution of goods.


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