
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06

Review 5(Reading—listening--speaking):
    TOPIC: woman's problem with tennis team and classes 
    her problem:
    spends too much time on tennis ;   doesn't spend enough time on classes ;  is not doing well in classes 
    his suggestion:
    plan her study time ;  write down her plan for a while ;  make better use of time
     The students discuss suggestions for dealing with a problem the woman is having. Describe the problem. Then state what you think of the suggested solutions, and explain why.
Sample answer:
    In this conversation, The two students  are talking about a problem she is having with the tennis team and her classes. The problem is that she spends too much time on tennis, she doesn't spend enough time on classes, and she's not doing well in her classes as a result.
    The man suggests that she plan her time better. She should write down a schedule that includes her study time each day until it is natural for her to make better use of her time. 
    I think (But as far as I am concerned,) she should plan her time more carefully and maybe to write down her plan until it's natural for her to make good use of her time. She enjoys playing tennis, so it would be sad for her to give it up, and I do think that it's possible for her to take part in sports and also be a good student. I think that the problem is not that she doesn't have enough time; the problem is that she is not making the best use of the time that she has.


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