
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-03-12

180 Movies are popular all over the world. Explain why movies are so popular. Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

This is a controversial issue about why movies are so popular depending on personal experience, personality type and emotional concern. The reason, nevertheless, is not easy to give. However, from my point of view, I will think that movies have many advantages to the people and therefore are so popular. My arguments are listed as follows.

The essential reason can be seen by everyone is that watching movie make people learn a lot of knowledge about many different things. For example, people can learn the culture of a country from watching movie. They are able to understand how people live, work and study in other country. It is difficult to learn this knowledge from reading book. The knowledge people can learn from watching movie include the history and economy of a country. In short, even though there are many different views concerning this topic, in my part. I also would like to think that people could learn a lot from movie is the most important reason that causes movies to be popular.

Another reason of my propensity for movies are so popular is that watching movie can create communication among family. For instance, there are many topics on television. Since parent discuss with children on those topics, watching movie create communication among family. So, as far as I am concerned, that watching movie can create communication among family is another important reason that causes movies to be popular.

Last but not the least, movie is an inexpensive entertainment. It can be afforded by most of people. In my country, many families go to movie together on the weekend. They only spend little money and they have a good time. Therefore, that movie is an inexpensive entertainment also is one of reasons.

In conclusion, movies are popular all over the world because they make people to learn a lot of knowledge. They create communication among family. They can be afforded by most of people. In fact, movie has been a part of our life.


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