
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-03-12

  9. (A) He already knew about the problem.

  (B) Someone has started fixing the washing machine.

  (C) No one complained about the washing machine today.

  (D) There's nothing wrong with the washing machine.

  10. (A) It won't take long to get to the station.

  (B) It'll be easy for him to give the woman a ride to the station.

  (C) He'll ride on the train with the woman.

  (D) He's picking someone up from the station.

  11. (A) I'll out an application from.

  (B) Apply for a different position.

  (C) File the papers in the cabinet.

  (D) Show her the advertisement from the newspaper.

  12. (A) Go with her to the airport.

  (B) Talk to her for a short time.

  (C) Find out when the plane is leaving.

  (D) Make the phone call now.

  13. (A) He can give the woman directions to Chicago.

  (B) He can drive the woman to Chicago.

  (C) He can get a map for the woman.

  (D) He can take the woman to the bookstore.

  14. (A) He didn't show his paintings at the exhibit.

  (B) He didn't see the paintings.

  (C) He doesn't understand Ted's art.

  (D) The exhibit was canceled.

  15. (A) She has canceled her trip to lowa.

  (B) The snowstorm is getting weaker.

  (C) The man's information isn't accurate.

  (D) They also may get a lot of snow.


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