
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-03-12

Section One: Listening Comprehension

  1. (A) He has just recovered from the flu.

  (B) He won't be able to go to the play.

  (C) He heard that the play isn't very good.

  (D) He has already seen the play.

  2. (A) Share the place he's renting.

  (B) Avoid living near the campus.

  (C) Apply for campus housing.

  (D) Find an apartment soon.

  3. (A) He wants to meet the woman after his Spanish class.

  (B) The woman should borrow someone else's workbook.

  (C) He can take the woman to her class.

  (D) The woman needs to return the workbook before the class.

  4. (A) She didn't know Dr. Turner's lecture would be so interesting.

  (B) She didn't expect to have a quiz today.

  (C) Dr. Turner often gives quizzes.

  (D) The man should have prepared for the class.

  5. (A) There are different kinds of folders.

  (B) This decision requires careful thought.

  (C) It doesn't matter which color she uses.

  (D) The color should suggest the content.

  6. (A) She prepares her students well.

  (B) She used to teach graduate courses.

  (C) She isn't qualified to teach organic chemistry.

  (D) Her students rarely attend graduate school.

  7. (A) He decided not to sell the piano.

  (B) He's looking for a place to store the piano.

  (C) No one has bought the piano.

  (D) He hasn't been able to find an inexpensive piano yet.

  8. (A) Tennis players often injure their backs.

  (B) She hadn't heard about the man's problem.

  (C) The man should have seen the doctor.

  (D) She'll check the man's schedule as soon as possible.


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