
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-03-12

26. Petroleum, which currently makes up about four-tenths of the world's energy 


production, supplies more commercial energy than any another source.

  B                                             C             D

27. Someone may refuse to recognize the seriousness of an emotionally threatening 

           A            B                                    C

 situation and perceive as less threatening.


 28. Through experiments with marine organisms, marine biologists can increase  

       A                                                               B

our knowledge of human reproductive and development  as  well as our understanding 

                           C                                                D

 of the nervous system.

29. When swollen by melting snow or heavy rain, some rivers routinely overflow 

        A                   B                                      C

its banks.


30. In 1884 Belva Lockwood, a lawyer who had appeared before the Supreme Court,

                                      A       B

 became the first woman was nominated for President of the United States.

C                D

31. The taller of all animals, a full-grown giraffe may be eighteen feet or more high.

          A                     B               C                          D

32. Physicists have known since the early nineteenth century that all 

                               A                                B

matter is made up of tiny extremely particles called atoms. 

          C              D

33. Rain is slight acidic even in unpolluted air, because carbon dioxide 

               A                                          B

in the atmosphere and other natural acid-forming gases  dissolve in the 

                           C                               D


34. In a stock company, a troupe of actors performs in 


 a  particular  theater, presenting plays from its repertory of prepare

B                C               D  


35. Established in 1860, the Government Printing Office prints and binds 

        A                                                  B

documents for all department of the United States  government. 

                    C                                       D


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