
考研 Freekaoyan.com/2008-03-12

16. Modern societies are such complex that they could not exist without

A                                B    C

a well-developed system of law.


17. Altitude, climate, temperature, and the length of the  growing season both 

                             A                 B                              C

determine Where plants will grow.

18. The bathyscaphe, a free-moving vessel designed for underwater exploration,


  consists of a Flotation compartment with a  observation capsule attached underneath  it.

     B                                 C                                  D

19. Water constitutes almost 96 percent of the body weight of a jellyfish, so if

A                                      B

 a jellyfish were to dry out in the sun, it would  virtually disappeared.

C                                             D

20. The most important parameters affecting a rocket's maximum  flight 


velocity is the relationship between the vehicle's mass and the amount 

                           B                                   C 

of propellant it can carry. 


21.There were once only eight major lakes or reservoirs in Texas, but


today there are over 180, many built to storing water against periodic

B                     C              D


22. All harmonized music that is not contrapuntal depends from the relationship  

    A                                                        B

of chords, which are either consonant or dissonant. 

     C                  D

23. Expressionist drama often shows the influence of modern psychology by 

                                  A         B

 reflecting the frustrations inner of the dramatist.

    C                   D

24. It is the number, kind, and arrange of teeth that determine whether a mammal

    A                       B                        C  

 is classified as a carnivore not the food that the animal actually eats.


25. The sea otter is well adapted at its marine existence, with ears and nostrils 

                   A            B C

that can be closed under water.  



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