
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

71. Fewer and fewer of today's workers expect to spend their working lives in the same field, ______ the same company.
A. all else
B. much worse
C. let alone
D. less likely

72. Flying in an airplane was once thought to be an impossible ______.
A. task
B. profession
C. promise
D. contest

73. Fresh vegetables are straight from the ______ and raw vegetables are ______.
A. earth...cooked
B. soil...uncooked
C. floor...cooked
D. ground...uncooked

74. From this material we can _____ hundreds of what you may call direct products.
A. derive
B. discern
C. diminish
D. displace

75. Fruit is cheapest _____ season.
A. at
B. on
C. in
D. through

76. Fruit pickers are paid at the _____ of '4.00 an hour.
A. rate
B. scale
C. sum
D. value

77. Fumes from the exhaust of an automobile are ______.
A. notorious
B. anxious
C. noxious
D. delicious

78. George wasn't in class today, Professor Brown excused him ______.
A. from attending
B. of attending
C. to attend
D. attending

79. Class will _____ at a high temperature and will be in a liquid condition.
A. dissolve
B. disappear
C. melt
D. evaporate

80. Hamlet _____ his father's death on his uncle.
A. reversed
B. reverted
C. revenged
D. revealed


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