
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

61. Columbus' decision to sail west to reach the East _____ on his belief that the earth was round.
A. existed
B. sat
C. relaxed
D. rested

62. Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot the _____ movie could not hold our attention.
A. three-hours
B. three-hour
C. three-hours'
D. three-hour's

63. Difficulties can _____ a person's best qualities.
A. bring up
B. bring out
C. bring about
D. bring to

64. Doctors sometimes _____ old cures when modern medicine doesn't work.
A. fall on
B. fall down on
C. fall back on
D. fall in upon

65. Does brain power _____ as we get older? Scientists now have some surprising answers.
A. descend
B. decline
C. deduce
D. collapse

66. Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true _____ it comes to classroom tests.
A. when
B. since
C. before
D. after

67. Don't worry. The company will _____ all your expense.
A. satisfy
B. meet
C. pay
D. submit

68. Eventually, people spread throughout the continent, ______ the entire species.
A. wiping out
B. wiping away
C. wiping off
D. wiping up

69. Experts say walking is one of the best ways for a person to ______ healthy.
A. preserve
B. stay
C. maintain
D. reserve

70. Faced with the ______ difficulties, they are determined to carry on their program.
A. satisfactory
B. attributable
C. innocent
D. intangible


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