
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

  55. For years she suffered from the ____ that her husband might come back to her.
  A) vision
  B) idea
  C) imagination
  D) illusion
  56. He went to Australia hoping to find a teaching _______ without too much difficulty.
  A) work
  B) career
  C) post
  D) employment
  57. The accusation left him quite ______ with rage.
  A) quiet
  B) silent
  C) mute
  D) speechless
  58. As the drug took ______ the patient became quieter.
  A) force
  B) effect
  C) action
  D) influence
  59. Notebooks, textbooks and school magazines were accidentally ________ all over the floor.
  A) spread
  B) separated
  C) splashed
  D) scattered
  60. An ______ degree was conferred on the distinguished professor.
  A) honest
  B) honored
  C) honorary
  D) honorific
  61. Mr. Brown's condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will pull ______.
  A) up
  B) through
  C) out
  D) back
  62. The purpose of the survey was to _______ the inspectors with local conditions.
  A) inform
  B) notify
  C) instruct
  D) acquaint
  63. Because of his poor health, it took him a long time to throw _____ his bad cold.
  A) off
  B) away
  C) down
  D) over
  64. Though badly damaged by fire, the palace was eventually _____ to its original splendor. A. recovered b. renewed C. restored D. replaced 65. They had a pleasant chat ______ a cup of coffee.
  A) off
  B) away
  C) restored D. replaced 65. They had a pleasant chat ______ a cup of coffee. A. for
  D) replaced 65. They had a pleasant chat ______ a cup of coffee. A. for
  65. They had a pleasant chat ______ a cup of coffee.
  A) for
  B) with
  C) during
  D) over


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