
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

  Decide which of the choices given below would correctly complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the correct choice for each blank on your answer sheet.
  Early Tudor England was to a large extent self-sufficient. Practically all the necessities of life —— food, clothing, fuel and housing —— were produced from native resources by native effort, and it was to (26)_____ these primary needs that the great mass of the population labored (27)______ its daily tasks. Production was for the most part organized in innumerable small units.
In the country the farm, the hamlet and the village lived on (28)____ they could grow or make for themselves, and (29)_____ the sale of any surplus in the local market town,(30)____ in the towns craftsmen applied themselves to their one-man business, making the boots and shoes, the caps and the cloaks, the (31)____ and harness of townsmen and countrymen (32____. Once a week town and country would meet to make (33)___ at a market which came (34)___ realizing the medieval idea of direct contact between producer and (35)_____. This was the traditional economy, which was hardly altered for some centuries, and which set the (36)_____ of work and the standard of life of perhaps nice out of (37)____ ten English men and women. The work was long and (38)____, and the standard of life achieved was almost (39)___ low. Most Englishmen lied by a diet which was often (40)____ and always monotonous, wore coarse and ill-fitting clothes which harbored dirt undermine, and lived in holes whose squalor would affront the modern slum dweller.
  26.   A) settle   B) answer   C) satisfy   D) fill
  27.   A) at   B) in   C) on   D) with
  28.   A) which   B) what   C) whether   D) where
  29.   A) with   B) by   C) on   D) for
  30.   A) although   B) while   C) nevertheless   D) when
  31.   A) machines   B) apparatus   C) equipment   D) implement
  32.   A) similar   B) skin   C) like   D) alike
  33.   A) exchange   B) bargain   C) dealing   D) ride
  34.   A) close at   B) adjacent to   C) near to   D) near-by
  35.   A) consumer   B) buyer   C) user   D) shopper
  36.   A) model   B) form   C) pattern   D) method
  37.   A) every   B) each   C) the   D) other
  38.   A) cruel   B) hard   C) ruthless   D) severe
  39.   A) unimaginatively   B) unimaginably   C) imaginarily   D) unimaginedly
  40.   A) weak   B) little   C) meagre   D) sparse


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