
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

  70.It is amatter of common observation that a body A cannot exert force on a second body B without B at the same time exerting force on A.

  这是我们通常都能观察到的情况:如果物体B没有同时对物体A施加作用力,那么物体A也不能对B施加作用力。 (without引导的介词复合结构为条件状语,用来说明谓语cannot exert.)

  71.Without the sun's light warming the earth's surface,it would be so terribly cold that life could not exist.


  72.Just as the length and cross-section of the pipe affect the flow of water so it is with conductors of electric current.


  73.Water vapor may vary from almost nothing to as much as 4% and is not usually included with the other constituents which,in terms of global averages,do not vary significantly.


  74.This atom,with 92 electrons spinning about the closely packed and complex nucleus,is the element uranium,which seems to be the most complicated of the natural atoms.



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