
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

 1. Revered by an ill-informed citizenry, the Duke of York was feted opulently for several months before there was denunciation and exile.

  (A) there was denunciation and exile

  (B) he was to be denounced with exile

  (C) being denounced and exiled

  (D) denunciation and his exile

  (E) being exiled, having been denounced

  2. By analyzing the advanced olfactory apparatus of Pleistocene chordates, paleozoologists have discovered a link between the brain's regions of scent discrimination and its regions of long-term memory storage, a link that could prove invaluable in the treatment of amnesia victims.

  (A) paleozoologists have discovered a link between the brain's regions of scent discrimination and its regions of long-term memory storage

  (B) a link between the brain's regions of scent discrimination and its regions of long-term memory storage has been discovered by paleozoologists

  (C) there is a link that paleozoologists have discovered between the brain's regions of scent discrimination and its regions of long-term memory storage

  (D) the discovery of a link between the brain's regions of scent discrimination and its regions of long-term memory storage was made by paleozoologists

  (E) the brain's regions of scent discrimination and long-term memory storage have a link that was discovered by paleozoologists

  3. During the first year after the corporate reorganization, no one considered the management was well-organized; managers were largely untrained and directionless.

  (A) was well-organized

  (B) well-organized

  (C) were well-organized

  (D) seemed to be well-organized

  (E) seemed well-organized

  4. When the prime lending rates went up in 1987, economists determined they would cause interest rates to rise and then decline over the ensuing five-year period.

  (A) they would cause interest rates to rise and then decline

  (B) they would mean that interest rates would rise and then decline

  (C) that they will cause interest rates to rise and then decline

  (D) that the increase would cause interest rates to rise and then decline

  (E) that the increase would cause interest rates' rising and subsequent declining

  5. With its abundance of noun inflections, Icelandic is one of several Germanic languages that is compact when written but can lengthen considerably when translated into English.

  (A) is compact when written but can lengthen considerably when translated into English

  (B) are compact when they are written, but they can lengthen considerably when they are translated in English

  (C) is compact when written but can lengthen considerably when being translated into English

  (D) are compact when written but can lengthen considerably in English translation

  (E) is compact when it is written but can lengthen considerably when translated in English

  6. One of Arthur Jessop's first acts as president of the FHA was to deny a request from the private sector that federal home loan programs should be expanded to cover houses not conforming to civil construction codes.

  (A) should be expanded to cover houses not conforming to

  (B) be expanded to cover houses not conforming to

  (C) should be expand to cover houses not conforming with

  (D) would have been expanded to cover houses not conforming to

  (E) had to be expanded to cover houses not conforming with



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