
本站小编 免费考研网/2019-03-27

Please get thie luggage carried into the room.

分词也可由being 开始:
He watched the pictures being hung on the wall.

I found myself being looked after by ten servants. (=I found that I was being looked after by ten servants.)

He described the city as expressing the modern idea of speed.

He quoted Confucius as saying this.

He recorded the movement as beginning a new era.

He accepted me as having seen much of the world.

The results show their lessons as having been neglected.

He looked upon the accident as being caused by a grave misunderstanding.

The story was told as having happened to himself.

An old man was represented as standing among his sons.

I was given a dictionary as being the best students.

Gasping and excited(作状语的分词),Richard aroused suspicion. (=Because he gasped and was excited, Richard aroused suspicion.)
Gasping and excited(作解释性修饰语的分词),Richard arrived home. (Approximately=Richard gasped and was excited when he arived home;或Richard gasped and was excited, and thus he arrived home.)

Not seen by anyone(作状语的分词),David stole the watch. (=As he was not seen by anyone, David stole the watch)
Not seen by anyone(), David ran past. (Approxinately=David was not seen by anyone when he ran past;或David was not seen by anyone, and thus he ran past.)

Shivering and greatly ashamed, Lilian lowered her head.
Starving, John wandered about.
Kneeling and shutting her eyes, Mary prayed to the goddess.
Bleeding and fainting, he waited for the ambulance.
Closing the door, he shut out the beggar.
Shouting aloud, he called to me.
Walking along the bank, the poet sang a sorrowful song.
Dressed in while, she suddenly appeared.
Supported by his sons, the old man came out.
Richard,gasping and excited, arrived home.
David, not seen by anyone, ran past.
Mary, kneeling and shutting her eyes, prayed to the goddess.(只有主语为名词时,分词才可放在它后面,如果是代词,譬如说he,就不能放在这个位置.)



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