
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-04-05

Strategic alliances: 战略联盟are business alliances among companies that provide strategic benefits to the partners. 战略联盟就是两上或两个以上的企业或跨国公司为了达到共同的战略目标而采取的相互合作、共担风险、共享利益的联合行动。有的观点认为战略联盟为巨型跨国公司采用,但这决不仅限于跨国公司,作为一种企业经营战略,它同样适用于小规模经营的企业。当然,由于产品的特点、行业的性质、竞争的程度、企业的目标和自身优势等因素的差异,企业间采取的战略联盟形式自然也呈现出多样性。

Privatization: 私有化 The conversion of a government-owned enterprise to private ownership. 私有化Privatization 是指公有组织或公有财产的所有权人直接或由其代理人越权将公有组织或公有财产以及这些组织或财产的所有权及其派生权利合法或非法地由公有组织或公有财产的全体公民或某一集体所有转变为个别私人所有的行为及其过程。Privatization 是指公有组织或公有财产的所有权人直接或由其代理人越权将公有组织或公有财产以及这些组织或财产的所有权及其派生权利合法或非法地由公有组织或公有财产的全体公民或某一集体所有转变为个别私人所有的行为及其过程。
Derivative market衍生金融工具市场: A derivatives market is any market for a derivative security, that is a contract which specifies the right or obligation to receive or deliver future cash flows based on some future event such as the price of an independent security or the performance of an index. 衍生金融市场是基础金融市场派生出来的,是以衍生品为交易对象的市场。所谓衍生品,也叫衍生证券,是一种金融工具,其价值依赖于其他基础性资产价值的变动。衍生品种类主要包括期货、期权、互换、远期合约等衍生品。近20年来,国际金融市场最显著、最重要的特征之一就是衍生品的迅速发展。
FDI: foreign direct investment 对外直接投资

Technology diffusion: 技术扩散It is the dissemination of technical information and knowledge and the subsequent adoption of new technologies and techniques by users. Technology diffusion is a component in the broader innovation process.

Entry barrier: 进入障碍A natural or artificial impediment to a firm beginning to operate in an industry. Entry barriers give a first mover advantage to firms already in an industry, and these are often national firms in competition with potential foreign entrants. 市场进入障碍是指在完全垄断条件下,新的企业要想进入某一行业十分困难,存在许多进入障碍。主要表现为四种:一是企业控制了产品的基本原料的来源;二是企业拥有专利权;三是现有企业规模经济性显著,规模较大;四是政府特许。它的存在,对于建立公平合理的市场机制具有很大的阻碍作用。
Corporate strategy: 公司策略strategic planning or management decisions that effect the direction or performance of company.
Value chain: 价值链An organization's set of linked, value-creating activities, ranging from securing basic raw materials and energy to the ultimate delivery of products and services. 企业的价值创造是通过一系列活动构成的,这些活动可分为基本活动和辅助活动两类,基本活动包括内部后勤、生产作业、外部后勤、市场和销售、服务等;而辅助活动则包括采购、技术开发、人力资源管理和企业基础设施等。这些互不相同但又相互关联的生产经营活动,构成了一个创造价值的动态过程,即价值链。

Expropriation征用(土地等),The confiscation of private property by the State, with or without compensation or consent.
Legal recourse:
Differentiation. 差异化
: A key element in firms' competitive advantage. Refers to market conditions in which a product can vary in some significant way from firm to firm producing it, and purchasers demonstrate preferences about which supplier to patronize in terms of these non-price differences. Factors contributing to product differentiation include quality and performance variations, special service conditions, and advertising.
Severance pay: It is an entitlement that may be payable to an employee of the Public Service upon termination of employment. 差异化(differentiation)是指企业在顾客广泛重视的某些方面,力求在本产业中独树一帜。差异化的领域主要有有形和无形两个方面.有形的方面通常是围绕着产品的内容来进行的,如产品的设计与生产、交货系统及其促销活动等一系列内容。

Extraterritoriality: 治外法权
Extraterritoriality is the state of being exempt from the jurisdiction of local law, usually as the result of diplomatic negotiations. For instance, a citizen of country A may enjoy extraterritoriality while visiting country B. In that case, this person cannot legally be tried by the courts of country B for some alleged crime. Extraterritoriality can also be applied to physical places, such as embassies, consulates, or military bases of foreign countries. 治外法权是免除本地法律司法权的情形,通常是外交谈判的结果。 例如,一个甲国公民当在乙国访问时享受治外法权。 在这种情况下,这个人在涉嫌犯罪时,乙国的法院不能进行审判。
Anti-trust反垄断法;反托拉斯: Government regulation intended to maintain competitive market structures, in order to protect trade and commerce from monopolies and restraints on competition such as collusive price-fixing and vertical restraints. 垄断的原意是独占,即一个市场上只有一个经营者。反垄断法,顾名思义就是反对垄断和保护竞争的法律制度。它是市场经济国家基本的法律制度。又称反托拉斯法。

Transfer price: 转让价格Prices that one subsidiary of a firm pays for goods purchases from a second subsidiary.

Nationalization: 国有化 A process in which ownership of resources are transferred from the private to public sectors. 国有化是将私人企业的生产资料收归国家所有的过程。国有化是国家所有制经济形成过程中的一条重要途径。通常它指的是将私人财产国有化,但是有时它也指其它级别政府(比如市政府)的财产。按照国际惯例,实行国有化后要给予受损的外国投资者以适当的合理的补偿。国有化也是第三世界国家保护本国资源和民族工业、反抗发达国家剥削的强有力手段之一。
Intellectual property right: 知识产权 The right to control and derive the benefits from something one has invented, discovered, or created.

Merger and acquisition收购兼并: Combining of two or more entities through the direct acquisition by one of the net assets of the other.
•    Consumer market消费者市场
: An organization group of buyers and sellers of a particular product that are affected by its demand and supply. 消费者市场是指为满足自身需要而购买的一切个人和家庭构成的市场。组织市场是指一切为了自身生产、转售或转租或者用于组织消费而采购的一切组织构成的市场。主要包括生产者市场、中间商市场和政府市场。生产者市场也叫产业市场,是指购买的目的是为了再生产而采购的组织形成的市场。中间商市场则是指为了转售而采购的组织形成的市场,中间商市场主要包括批发商、零售商、代理商和经销商。政府市场是指因为政府采购而形成的市场。

Distribution channel: 分销渠道All the organizations and people involved in the physical movement of goods and services from producers to consumers.
Listed company上市公司: A company whose share have been quoted by the stock exchange.

Industrial complex: 工业联合企业A manufacturing area that consist of many different factories turning out different products.
Brand recognition: 品牌认知A product that has been recognized by local consumers.
Quota: 配额A restriction on the quantity of imports of a particular lines of products.
Organizational culture: 组织文化The common values, behavior patterns, institutions, and so on among employees of corporation. 企业文化,或称组织文化(Corporate Culture或Organizational Culture),是一个组织由其价值观、信念、仪式、符号、处事方式等组成的其特有的文化形象。
Market economy市场经济: An economy in which the market is used to determine resource allocation, prices, and investments.

New economy: : 新经济A different form of economy that is mainly supported by information technology sector instead of manufacturing. 所谓“新经济”是建立在信息技术革命和制度创新基础上的经济持续增长与低通货膨胀率、低失业率并存,经济周期的阶段性特征明显淡化的一种新的经济现象。除此之外,国内的一本财经杂志也叫新经济。

•    Bubble economy泡沫经济
: An economy that primarily depends on banking, financial markets and other transient operations. 泡沫经济:虚拟资本过度增长与相关交易持续膨胀日益脱离实物资本的增长和实业部门的成长,金融证券、地产价格飞涨,投机交易极为活跃的经济现象。泡沫经济寓于金融投机,造成社会经济的虚假繁荣,最后必定泡沫破灭,导致社会震荡,甚至经济崩溃。
Venture capital: 风险资本Funds that are invested in new plants or other enterprises open to rather large risk of loss. 风险资本(Venture Capital)是一种以私募方式募集资金,以公司等组织形式设立,投资于未上市的新兴中小型企业(尤其是新兴高科技企业)的一种承担高风险、谋求高回报的资本形态。它和共同基金、单位信托等证券投资基金截然不同,在投资、募集等运作方式上有其自身的特点。国内有些部门提出的产业投资基金实际上就是风险资本。

Business cycle: A period of time during which business moves form high activity through a running-down period to a state of low activity and then gradually improves and booms again.
Deregulation . 撤消管制规定: The ending of the existing system of regulations, especially by the government.
Public offering: 公开销售证券 A non-exclusive issue to the general public either bonds or stock by a firm in order to raise funds.

Bottleneck: 瓶颈Difficulties or things those are more likely to hinder normal production or prevent smooth economic development.
Information technology: All devices and knowledge that required to managed and kind of data. 是指在构成产业关联的产业系统中,那些不能适应其他产业发展的产业。生产中的瓶颈是指那些限制工作流整体水平(包括工作流完成时间,工作流的质量等)的单个因素或少数几个因素。对个人发展来说,“瓶颈”一般用来形容事业发展中遇到的停滞不前的状态。这个阶段就像瓶子的颈部一样是一个关口,再往上便是出口,但是如果没有找到正确的方向也有可能一直被困在瓶颈处。
Treasury bill: 短期国库券A U.S government short-term security sold to the public each week.
Capital stock: 股金总额The entire shares of a joint-stock company whose shareholders together from the ownership of the concern..
Product life cycle产品寿命周期: A theory states that certain kinds of products go through a cycle consisting of four stages(introduction, growth, maturity  and declines. 产品寿命周期(product life cycle,PLC)指产品从开发(development)、成长(growth)、成熟(maturity)、饱和(saturation)至衰落(decline)的整个过程。是由美国经济经济学家弗农所提出的。
Junk bonds: 垃圾债券An interest-bearing certificate of debts that gives a higher yield but is issued by a company with low credit rating.
垃圾债券(junk bond;junk),也称为高风险债券。评信级别在标准普尔公司 BB级或穆迪公司Ba级以下的公司发行的债券。垃圾债券向投资者提供高于其他债务工具的利息收益,因此垃圾债券也被称为高收益债券(high yield bonds),但投资垃圾债券的风险也高于投资其他债券。
Liquidity: 流动资产Available cash or the capacity to obtain it on demand.
Multinational company跨国公司: A very large organization that owns companies in more than one country in order to obtain cheap raw materials and make efficient use of a local workforce.
Benchmark: 基准A standard by which something can be measured or judged.

Pricing policy: 定价政策A plan or statement of prices set by an organization for its products and services.
Money market金融市场: The institutions and practices through which short-term funds are channeled to borrowers and entrepreneurs. 金融市场是指资金供应者和资金需求者双方通过信用工具进行交易而融通资金的市场,广而言之,是实现货币借贷和资金融通、办理各种票据和有价证券交易活动的市场。比较完善的金融市场定义是:金融市场是交易金融资产并确定金融资产价格的一种机制

Capital market: 资本市场A place where deals are made relating to long-term investment needed by business and pubic authorities. capital market 亦称“长期金融市场”、“长期资金市场”。期限在一年以上各种资金借贷和证券交易的场所。资本市场上的交易对象是一年以上的长期证券。因为在长期金融活动中,涉及资金期限长、风险大,具有长期较稳定收入,类似于资本投入,故称之为资本市场。 《英汉证券投资词典》解释:资本市场 capital market。金融市场三个组成部分之一。进行长期资本交易的市场。长期资本指还款期限超过一年、用于固定资产投资的公司债务和股东权益——股票。与调剂政府、公司或金融机构资金余缺的资金市场形成鲜明的对照引。
Collateral: 贷款担保物Property or an item of value that can be claimed by a person, bank or other organizations if a loan is not repaid.

Dow-Jones industrial Average: 道琼斯工业指数 An index of share prices quoted on the New York Stock Exchange for a group of 30 leading industrial companies

Blue chip: 蓝筹股A stock that sells at a high price because of public confidence in its long record of steady earning. 蓝筹股是指具有稳定的盈余记录,能定期分派较优厚的股息,被公认为业绩优良的公司的普通股票,又称为"绩优股"。
Social security社会保障: A government program that provides economic assistance to persons faced with unemployment, disability, or agedness, financed by assessment of employers and employees.
Reinsurance: 再保险 The purchase of insurance by an insurance company form another insurance company (reinsurer) to provide it protection against large losses on cases it has already insured.

Sanction: 制裁The penalty for noncompliance specified in a law or decree.
Speculation: 投机Engagement in risky business transactions on the chance of quick or considerable profit. 投机指根据对市场的判断,把握机会,利用市场出现的价差进行买卖从中获得利润的交易行为。投机可分为三类:长线投机者、短线交易者、逐小利者。投资家和投机者的区别在于:投资家看好有潜质的股票,作为长线投资,既可以趁高抛出,又可以享受每年的分红,股息虽不会高但稳定持久,而投机者热衷短线,借暴涨暴跌之势,通过炒作谋求暴利,少数人一夜暴富,许多人一朝破产。投机专门选择哪些价格被低估,但极具成长性的股票。中国资本市场的投机性浓厚。

Value added tax: 增值税An indirect tax imposed on consumption that is reflective of the incremental increases on the value of goods through the chain of production, from the raw material phase to final consumption.
Fair trade: 互惠贸易Trade that conforms to a fair-trade agreement.

Subsidy津贴: A financial benefit, direct or direct, provided through financial contribution, policy measures or practices of a Government or any public body to producers or processors. 津贴,是指补偿职工在特殊条件下的劳动消耗及生活费额外支出的工资补充形式。常见的包括矿山井下津贴、高温津贴、野外矿工津贴、林区津贴、山区津贴、驻岛津贴、艰苦气象台站津贴、保健津贴、医疗卫生津贴等,此外,生活费补贴、价格补贴也属于津贴。
Trade liberalization: 贸易自由化 Reduction of tariffs and removal or relaxation of national trade barriers.
Trade barrier: 贸易壁垒Any barrier that may impede the import of goods, such as testing or certification.

Waiver: 弃权Permission granted by WTO members allowing a WTO member not to comply with normal commitments. Waivers have time limits and extensions have to be justified.
Arbitration: 仲裁The process by which the parties to a dispute submit their differences to the judgment of an impartial person or group appointed by mutual consent or statutory provision. 仲裁是指纠纷当事人在自愿基础上达成协议,将纠纷提交非司法机构的第三者审理,由第三者作出对争议各方均有约束力的裁决的一种解决纠纷的制度和方式。仲裁在性质上是兼具契约性、自治性、民间性和准司法性的一种争议解决方式。
Dispute Settlement: 解决争端 Those institutional provisions in a trade agreement which provide the means for settling differences of view between the parties.
Copyright: 版权,著作权
The legal right granted to an author, a composed, a playwright, a publisher, or a distributor to exclusive publication, production, sale, or distribution of a literary, musical, dramatic, or artistic work.
Trade sanction: 贸易制裁Use of a trade policy as a sanction, most commonly an embargo imposed against a country for violating human right.
Trade reciprocity ](贸易)互惠主义: The practice by which government extend similar concessions to each other, as when one government lowers its tariffs or other barriers impeding its imports in exchange for equivalent concessions from a trading partner on barriers affecting its exports.
Appellate Body: 上诉机构An independent body that , upon request by one or more parties to the dispute, reviews findings in panel reports.

•    Balance sheet: 资产负债表
 A financial statement that reports the assets and equities of a company at a particular time. 资产负债表(the Balance Sheet)亦称财务状况表,表示企业在一定日期(通常为各会计期末)的财务状况(即资产、负债和业主权益的状况)的主要会计报表。资产负债表利用会计平衡原则,将合乎会计原则的资产、负债、股东权益”交易科目分为“资产”和“负债及股东权益”两大区块,在经过分录、转帐、分类帐、试算、调整等等会计程序后,以特定日期的静态企业情况为基准,浓缩成一张报表。其报表功用除了企业内部除错、经营方向、防止弊端外,也可让所有阅读者于最短时间了解企业经营状况。
Re-capitalization: The act or process of changing the capital structure of a company.
Cash flow: 资金流动The cash receipts or net income from one or more assets for a given period, reckoned after taxes and other disbursements, and often used as a measure of corporate worth.
Labor-intensive: 劳动密集型的Requiring or having a large expenditure of labor in comparison to capital.

The chain of command: A system whereby authority passes down from the top through a series of executive positions or military ranks in which each is accountable to the one directly superior.
Productivity: 生产率The rate at which goods or services are produces, especially output per unit of labor.
Marker share: 市场份额 The proportion of total sales volumes of a certain market that a company captures.
•    Intellectual capital: Assets or capital in the form of knowledge, patent or technology. Etc. 智力资本
在知识经济社会环境下,智力资本(intellectual capital)作为企业的主导生产要素,已经成为企业创造价值和获取竞争优势的重要源泉,它的重要性不亚于土地、资本和劳动力。

Emerging markets: Markets which are newly formed or have just come into prominence. 新兴市场

Portfolio investment证券投资: Investment in securities such as bonds and stocks with the aim to earn interest and dividends rather than participate in the management of companies. 证券投资是狭义的投资,是指企业或个人购买有价证券,借以获得收益的行为。
Direct investment: 直接投资Investment made in a firm which attempts to exercises control over the management of the firm.
•    Electronic commerce: 电子商务
 Maintaining business relationships and selling information, service, and commodities by means of computer telecommunications networks.
