1  2012北京语言大学外国语言学及应用语言学真题(回忆版) 

本站小编 北京语言大学/2015-04-17

1. Tell what is the phone according to the description of sound 。1×5=5分
1.  the voiced bilabial stop ____
2.  the voiceless alveolar fricative ___
3.  the nasal velar _________
4.  the long high back vowel _________
5.  he short central vowel ______
2. Phonological process
1.  Think
2.  Tank
3.  Teeth
4.  Impossible
5.  slight
3. Tell the kind of word formation。1×5=5分
1.  Edit
2.  Worker
3.  SARS
4.  Playboy
5.  plane
4. 判断划线部分是属于root/stem/derivational morpheme/inflectional morpheme哪种?1×5=5分。
2. port
3. worked
4. meaningful
5. emit
5.写出sense relation (synonymy,complementary antonymy, gradable antonymy, converse antonymy, hyponymy )
1.  male and female
2.  acquire and obtain
3.  earth and planet
4.  husband and wife
5.  big and small
6. Indicate how speech is presented in the stretches of language below.
1. “Have we been here before.” he asked her
2. He asked her a question.
3. Have we been here before? He asked her.
4. Had they been here before?He asked her.
5. He asked her whether they had been here before.
7.5×1=5分 树形图
John ate an apple.
8.determine which type of the components belong to the stretchiness of following sentence(rheme theme subject predicate)
1.  。
2.  。
3.  Once upon a time ,
5.  。
9. Tell the kind of violation of the maxims.1×5=5分
1.  There are not many people living in China.
2.  Boys are boys.
3.  All men and women are players on the stage.
4.  His manners speak eloquently for him.
5.  He wouldn’t say Y-E-S to the I-C-E-C-R-E-A-m.
10. 写出属于one-place predicate/two-place predicate/three-predicate. 1×5=5分
1. John was reading.
2. Wisdom John doesn’t have.
3. John finished his work on time.
4. John drove violently back home.
5. That company gave him a job.
第二部分Filling the blanks. 2ⅹ25=50分 1. Language is ______ because speech is primary and writing is secondary.
2.When language is used to change the emotional states of an audience, it is called the _____ functions of language.
3. The minimal distinctive speech sounds is ________.
4.when linguistics try to lay down language rules for correct uses of language, it is called ________studies.
5. Intonation is a _____ phoneme that can distinguish sentence types.
6. A sound may show the influence of an immediately preceding sound. The term for this process is ___________in phonetics. 9. The discussion of lexicon meaning. We can say all words have ______but not all words have reference.
10.__________ is a term used in sociological oriental investigation of language referring to discrimination against woman.
11.Phonemes appearing in complementary distribution is likely to be ________. 12.Saussure believed that language is a system of ________, which includes the signifier and the signified.
13.________is one whose distribution is functionally equivalent to that of one or more of its constituents, a word or a group of words which serves as a definable canter or head. 15.There is no limit to the number of linguistic elements embedded into other linguistics elements, this is what
syntactic status, one being dependent upon the other.
20.___________can be analyzed into argument and predicate.
21.What____________suggests is like this: our
language helps mould our way of thinking and consequently, different languages may probably express speakers’ unique ways of understanding the world.
22.implicature is ____________ in that it can be worked out on the basis previous information, including the conventional meaning of the words, the context, other items of the background knowledge and the CP and its maxims.
23.The Prague school holds that the goal of discourse presents the very information that is to be imparted to the hearer, which is called the __________.
24.where two syllables have the same initial and the final consonants, but different vowels(CvC), they
are ____________.
第三部分. 50分。
第一题。名词解释。4×5= 20分。
1. displacement
2. pro-forms
3. metre
4. component
1.  How would you analyze the differences and the similarities between the speech act theory and the convers
ational implicature?
2.  How would you analyze the differences and similarities between predicate and rheme?


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