2015同等学力英语阅读高分突破班讲义 中国人民大学王建华

本站小编 免费考研网/2015-10-13

2015 同等学力英语阅读高分突破班讲义

1.But the truth is, the human body needs carbohydrates to function properly, and a body that relies on
carbohydrates but is exhausted of this dietary element is not in good shape after all.
2.In fact, the food pyramid, the recommended basis of a healthy diet, shows that a person should consume
six to eleven servings of breads and grains, as well as three to four servings each of fruits and
vegetables—all carbohydrate-containing foods.
3. The only way to know what is truly healthy for your own body is to talk to a nutritionist or dietician, who
can help you choose foods that are right for you as well as guide you toward a proper exercise program for
weight loss, or muscle gain.
4. The treasury and Education departments are sending lesson plans to high schools and encouraging
students to compete in the National Financial Capability Challenge that begins in March.
5. Even as the financial-literacy movement has gained steam over the past decade, scores have been falling
on tests that measure how well students learn about things such as budgeting, credit cards, insurance and
6. They advocate starting financial education a lot earlier than high school, putting real money and
spending decisions into kids’ hands and talking openly about the emotions and social influences tied to how
we spend.
7. “It takes confidence to take a stand and to think differently,” says Jeroo Billimoria, founder of Aflatoun,a
nonprofit whose curriculum, used in more than 30 countries, aims to help kids get a leg up in their financial
8. But today, educators and administrators are finding that instances of academic dishonesty on the part of
students have become more frequent- and are less likely to be punished – than in the past.
9. Whereas in the late sixties and early seventies, students were filled with visions about changing the
world, today’s students feel great pressure to conform and succeed.
10. He fells that as long as teachers give short-answer tests rather than essay questions and rate students by
the number of facts they can memorize rather than by how well they can put information together, students
will try to beat the system.

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