
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-11-25

主体句式:Singapore has embarked on an... efforts...

结构分析:这是一个复合句,as manufacturing jobs...是句子的状语从句;as a way of diversifying the economy作court...的状语;turning the country into...是句子的伴随状语。



1. The passage mainly discusses about _____.

[A] Singapore's financial strategy in recent years

[B] conditions about the two large government funds in Singapore

[C] the transformation or evolution of Singapore's banking system

[D] the close relation between Singapore's financial system and the government

1. 这篇文章主要讨论了 _____。

[A] 新加坡近些年来的金融策略

[B] 新加坡两大政府基金的情况

[C] 新加坡银行系统的转型或发展

[D] 新加坡的金融系统与政府之间的密切关系

答案:B 难度系数:☆☆☆


2. From the first paragraph, it can be inferred that _____.

[A] Singaporeans are against the purchase of controlling stake in Thailand's telecommunications company

[B] Singaporeans think that Temasek's purchase is indeed a political deal

[C] Singaporeans think that Temasek's purchase will make them have a loss

[D] Thais are reluctant to let Temasek to control their telecommunications company

2. 从第一段可以推断出 _____。

[A] 新加坡人反对购买泰国电信公司的绝对股权

[B] 新加坡人认为Temasek的收购行为实际上是有政治目的的

[C] 新加坡人认为Temasek的收购行为会给他们带来损失

[D] 泰国人不愿意让Temasek控制他们的电信公司

答案:D 难度系数:☆☆☆

分析:细节题。解题的关键是要理解这句话:That helped stir street protests that led to a coup d'etat there last year. 要搞清楚这是在哪里发生的,根据英语的指称习惯,指的应该就是前面说的泰国。因此,答案为D。

3. Which one of the following statements is TRUE of Temasek Holdings?

[A] Temasek Holdings seems to be quite reluctant to interfere within the political issue of the countries it invests into.

[B] Temasek Holdings will sell one of the controlling stakes in Indonesian mobile telephone companies directly and through a subsidiary.

[C] Temasek Holdings conducts such expansion in order to change its depression.

[D] Temasek Holdings has not only subtle relations with Singapore's political elite, but also those of neighboring countries.

3. 关于Temasek控股公司,下列哪项陈述是正确的?

[A] Temasek看起来非常不愿意干涉它所投资国家的政治事务。

[B] Temasek将会将自己在印尼移动电话公司的绝对股权直接和通过子公司卖出。

[C] Temasek向外扩张,为了扭转其萧条的局面。

[D] Temasek不仅与新加坡的政治精英阶层有微妙的关系,而且与邻国的关系也非常微妙。

答案:C 难度系数:☆☆☆☆

分析:细节题。关于Temasek基金的内容主要在文章的第一段和第二段有所提及。选项A,文章没有提到Temasek对于其所投资国家的政治事务的态度问题,所以该选项不正确。选项B,第二段提到它是直接和通过子公司来控股,而不是卖出股份,因此该选项错误。选项C,第二段提到该基金为了在萧条后重振雄风,才到其他地方购买股份,因此该陈述正确。选项D,文章提到了该基金与政府的关系,也提到了其在周边邻国的投资,但是没有涉及这种所谓的subtle relations。因此,正确答案为C。

4. Many Europeans shift assets to Singapore due to the following reasons except that _____.

[A] they want to invest into Asia so as to gain more profits

[B] they want to conduct money laundering by tactically avoiding taxes

[C] they want to carry out illegal financial activity in Asia

[D] they think the investment environment in Europe is not attracting

4. 许多欧洲人将资金转移到新加坡,是因为下列除了 _____ 外的其他原因。

[A] 他们想要在亚洲投资,以获得更丰厚的利润

[B] 他们想要通过巧妙避税来洗钱

[C] 他们想要在亚洲从事非法的金融活动

[D] 他们认为欧洲的投资环境不那么有吸引力

答案:B 难度系数:☆

分析:细节题。第三段提到了这个问题,谈到欧洲人转移资产是为了分享亚洲经济快速增长的成果,逃避欧洲新设立的税收,那么选项A和 D是他们转移资产的原因。而从欧洲当局的批评以及新加坡的回应可以看出,部分资金是用来进行非法交易了,因此选项C也是对的。而选项B, 他们是想要避税,而不是通过避税来洗钱。因此,正确答案为B。

5. The word “condone” (Line 1, Paragraph 4) most probably means _____.

[A] encourage

[B] allow

[C] remit

[D] permit

5. condone这个词(第四段第一行)最有可能的意思是 _____。

[A] 鼓励

[B] 允许

[C] 宽恕

[D] 同意

答案:C 难度系数:☆☆☆




购买该股权是公司扩展计划的一部分,该计划由公司的执行董事Ho Ching于2002年年中开始实施。Ho Ching是政府所有的新加坡科技公司的前总裁,也是新加坡总理李显龙的夫人。Temasek为了在经济萧条后财务业绩能重振雄风,从那时开始就持有大量的远在印度、中国和英国渣打银行的股份。Temasek称自己虽然归政府所有,但是其投资只是出于经济目的。然而,公司还是卷入了该地区的政治风波。印尼一法庭最近裁定Temasek卖出其所持有的印尼两大垄断移动电话公司中一家的控股权——Temasek对这两家一为直接控股,一为通过其子公司控股。


新加坡的财政部门称,他们不会姑息洗钱活动,最近还对那些被发现涉及非法金融活动的银行加大了处罚力度。政府投资集团(G.I.C.)由国家控制,新加坡的第一任总理李光耀担任主席。他的儿子,即现任总理担任副主席,而执行董事Tony Tan是前副总理。

Temasek和政府投资集团聘请了国际最知名的金融专家,尤其是政府投资集团还在银行家和分析师中间享有精明、强大的投资家的美誉。其40%以上的员工不是新加坡人。其投资顾问团包括耶鲁大学投资委员会主席Charles Ellis以及高盛资产管理公司常务董事Robert Litterman。尽管政府投资集团管理的是公募基金,却不公开其持有的股份和收益。在去年集团的25周年庆典上,李光耀第一次公开了公司的财务状况,宣布以美元来计算的话,有平均9.5%的年收益。


Two real-world studies from Europe demonstrate the health damage done by automotive air pollution, especially the kind emitted by diesel engines. An 11-year period of improving air quality in Switzerland, which started with some of the cleanest air in Europe, produced measurable benefits in lung function for adults as they aged, according to a report in the Dec. 6 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine. “Even with small improvements in air quality, you get measurable health benefits,” said Dr. Ursula Ackermann-Liebrich, a professor of public health at the University of Basel. “That is true at levels even which are quite low.”

And an unusual collaborative study by American and British researchers, reported in the same issue of the journal, showed that people with asthma who walked along a street used by diesel-powered traffic experienced loss of breathing much greater than those who strolled through a traffic-free park. “The unique feature of this study in real-world conditions was that we have demonstrated that typical urban levels of air pollution with diesel-rich powered vehicles have measurable effects,” said Dr. Junfeng Zhang, chairman of environmental and occupational health at the New Jersey School of Public Health and an American member of the research team. “There have been theories or hypotheses of diesel exhaust or particle matter and also laboratory studies with animals, but this was a study in the real world with real people.”

The study had 60 adults with mild or moderate asthma walk for two hours along two London locales—busy, exhaust-filled Oxford Street or the more bucolic Hyde Park. The Oxford Street walk produced a 5 percent to 6 percent reduction in lung function, “and asthmatics already have compromised lung function,” Zhang said. The reduction in lung function was “significantly larger” than what was measured after the Hyde Park walk and was accompanied by an increase in biomarkers of lung inflammation. The negative effect on the lung was greater than has been seen in animal studies using breathing chambers, Zhang said.

The Swiss study found a decrease in the amount of airborne fine particulate pollutants, a major feature of diesel emissions. That improvement in Swiss air quality was accompanied by a slowing in the rate of the loss of breathing function that occurs as people age, Ackerman-Liebrich said. The journal report attributed the healthful effect to “decreasing exposure to airborne particulates”. “There seems to be something more potent than other forms of air pollution in diesel exhausts,” said Dr. Morton Lippman, a professor of environmental medicine at New York University. “It is something many other studies have pointed to.”

The issue of diesel pollution is of growing interest because “new diesel technologies are increasingly coming on the market”, Lippmann said. Diesel automobiles are much more common in Europe than in the United States but are gaining attention because of their greater fuel efficiency, he noted.

The two studies are welcome because they assess the effect of diesel emissions at relatively low levels, Lippmann said. “That remains a complex issue,” he said. “Getting statistically significant information on a small average effect on a large population is not easy. There are a lot of unknowns. Most effects are associated with particles rather than gases in the mixture, but there is no data on which part of the components is particularly nasty.”

1. By saying “That is true at levels even which are quite low”, Dr. Ursula Ackerman Liebrich meant that _____.

[A] people could really get health benefits even though the benefits were at low levels

[B] people could get measurable health benefits with air quality improved slightly even at the region in low latitude

[C] people could get measurable health benefits even in the region with low levels of air pollution

[D] people could get health benefits with air quality improved slightly even in the region with low levels of air pollution

2. The collaborative study by American and British researchers was unusual in that _____.

[A] it was a study in the real world with real people living in urban levels of air pollution

[B] it proved that air pollution by diesel-rich powered vehicles have measurable effects

[C] it verified that people in the city are generally affected by air pollution with diesel-engined automobiles

[D] it demonstrated the real negative effect was greater than that of laboratory studies

3. According to the collaborative study by American and British researchers, people strolling in Hyde Park _____.

[A] had an increase in biomarkers of lung inflammation

[B] had a greater reduction in lung function than animals under the same condition

[C] had a larger reduction in lung function than walking in a busy street

[D] were, as a matter of fact, affected by the air pollution

4. According to Dr. Morton Lippman, the more potent form of air pollution many other studies have pointed to was _____.

[A] airborne particulates in diesel exhausts

[B] airborne fine particulate pollutants

[C] particular mixture from diesel emissions

[D] some other forms of air pollution

5. Which one of the following statements is TRUE of the Swiss study?

[A] The study is aimed to produce a pleasant air quality for people as they age.

[B] The study proves that people could enjoy healthful effect as they seldom expose themselves in the airborne particulates.

[C] The study is conducted in the region the least polluted in Europe.

[D] The study is aimed to make people own clearest air in Europe.




asthma n. 哮喘

bucolic adj. 田园风格的

asthmatics n. 哮喘病患者

inflammation n. 炎症


① An 11-year period of improving air quality in Switzerland, which started with some of the cleanest air in Europe, produced measurable benefits in lung function for adults as they aged, according to a report in the Dec. 6 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

主体句式:A... period... produced... benefits in...

结构分析:这是一个复合句,which started...是定语从句,修饰period;according to...是句子的状语。


② The reduction in lung function was “significantly larger” than what was measured after the Hyde Park walk and was accompanied by an increase in biomarkers of lung inflammation.

主体句式:The reduction... was... and was accompanied by...

结构分析:这是一个复合句,由and连接了两个并列谓语was和was accompanied。



1. By saying “That is true at levels even which are quite low”, Dr. Ursula Ackerman-Liebrich meant that _____.

[A] people could really get health benefits even though the benefits were at low levels

[B] people could get measurable health benefits with air quality improved slightly even at the region in low latitude

[C] people could get measurable health benefits even in the region with low levels of air pollution

[D] people could get health benefits with air quality improved slightly even in the region with low levels of air pollution

1. Ursula Ackermann-Liebrich说:“即使程度很低也会有这样的效果”,他的意思是 _____。

[A] 人们的身体得到了好处,虽然这种益处很小

[B] 在低纬度地区,空气质量只要有稍微改善,人们的身体就会有所改善

[C] 即使在空气污染程度很低的地方,人们的身体还是得到了好处

[D] 即使在污染程度很小的地方,空气质量稍微改善,人们的身体就会有所改善

答案:D 难度系数:☆☆☆

分析:推理题。根据文章提到的这两个试验,二者都在空气污染不是很严重的情况下测到了污染对人身体的影响,可见这里的low levels是指污染程度低,Ursula Ackermann-Liebrich博士整句话是说,即使空气质量只改善一点,即使在污染程度很轻微的地方,人们的健康也得到了提高。因此,选项D最为符合题意。

2. The collaborative study by American and British researchers was unusual in that _____.

[A] it was a study in the real world with real people living in urban levels of air pollution

[B] it proved that air pollution by diesel-rich powered vehicles have measurable effects

[C] it verified that people in the city are generally affected by air pollution with diesel-engined automobiles

[D] it demonstrated the real negative effect was greater than that of laboratory studies

2. 美国和英国的研究人员共同进行的研究的不平常之处在于 _____。

[A] 这是对真实世界中生活在空气污染的都市中的真实人群的研究

[B] 证明了柴油发动机车对空气污染有一定的影响

[C] 证明了城市中的人群普遍受到柴油发动机车造成的空气污染的影响

[D] 证明了真正的消极影响要比在实验室里测到的大得多

答案:C 难度系数:☆☆

分析:细节题。第二段中,zhang提到该研究的特别之处在于:The unique feature of this study in real-world conditions was that we have demonstrated that typical urban levels of air pollution with diesel-rich powered vehicles have measurable effects.即证明了柴油发动机车造成的城市空气污染水平对人体有一定的影响,因此,选项C最为符合。

3. According to the collaborative study by American and British researchers, people strolling in Hyde Park _____.

[A] had an increase in biomarkers of lung inflammation

[B] had a greater reduction in lung function than animals under the same condition

[C] had a larger reduction in lung function than walking in a busy street

[D] were, as a matter of fact, affected by the air pollution

3. 根据美国和英国研究人员的共同研究,在海德公园散步的人们 _____。

[A] 肺部炎症的生物指标增加

[B] 在相同情况下肺功能比动物受到了更大的损害

[C] 相比那些在街上散步的人们来说,其肺功能减弱的程度更大

[D] 实际上受到了空气污染的影响

答案:D 难度系数:☆☆☆


4. According to Dr. Morton Lippman, the more potent form of air pollution many other studies have pointed to was _____.

[A] airborne particulates in diesel exhausts

[B] airborne fine particulate pollutants

[C] particular mixture from diesel emissions

[D] some other forms of air pollution

4. 根据Morton Lippman博士的观点,其他许多研究指出的更加有影响力的空气污染是 _____。


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    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-01-01
  • 考研英语阅读理解如何破解猜词题
    考研英语大纲规定,考生在阅读理解部分要求能读懂选自各类书籍和报刊的不同类型的文字材料,还应能读懂与本人学习和工作相关的文献资料、技术说明和产品介绍等。考生应能:1。理解主旨要义;2。理解文中的具体信息;3。理解文中的概念性含义;4。进行有关的推理、判断和引申 5。根据上下文推测生词 6。理解文章的总 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-01-01
  • (2017)考研英语阅读理解精读100篇(基础版)在线阅读 印建坤 第5部分
    (2017)考研英语阅读理解精读100篇(基础版)在线阅读 印建坤 第5部分
    Unit 78 There was a time when big-league university presidents really mattered. The New York Times covered their every move. Presidents, the real ones, sought their counsel. For Woodrow Wilson and Dwight Eisenhower, being head of Princeton and Columbia, respectively, was a stepping-stone to the ...
    本站小编 辅仁网 2017-07-19