
本站小编 免费考研网/2016-06-24

Journalism in America


Digital resurrection


Some moderately good news in the news industry


IN FEBRUARY Vice, a media firm that caters toyoungsters who like their news with a dollop of sass and hip-hop, toured the opulentresidence of the ousted president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, and posted the video online. “It looks like a weird dictatorship theme park,” the sardonic reporter told the camera. A newreport by the Pew Research Centre, a think-tank, finds that a third of Americans now watchnews videos online, about as many as say they watch news on cable television. Among thoseaged 18-29, around half do.


In years past Pew's “State of the News Media” reports have been sombre, chronicling theevisceration of jobs and the gutting of news budgets. This year, however, Pew sounded moreoptimistic, pointing to the slew of digital-news services, such as Vice's online news channel,that have sprung up recently. Around 5,000 full-time jobs have been created at 468 digital-news firms, according to Pew. Many online-news firms have hired high-profile journalists awayfrom big publications, such as the New York Times and Washington Post, and are launchingbureaus around the world (although not nearly as many as have been shuttered bynewspapers).


Digital news firms used to do little besides rehashing traditional newspapers'stories. Now theyare starting to feature more original articles. Last year Business Insider, a business-news site,ran a profile of Marissa Mayer, the boss of Yahoo. At 23,000 words, it was as long as a novella. “Online you can afford to do that. In a magazine you'd go broke,” says Henry Blodget, the bossof Business Insider. Buzz Feed, which used to be known for casting out “click bait” online, nowclaims around 170 full-time staff, including a Pulitzer-prize winner, Mark Schoofs, who has beenhired to run a new investigative team.

数字新闻公司过去除了重复传统新闻报纸的故事之外很少写自己的东西。而现在他们正开始创作更多原创的文章。去年,商业新闻网站“财经内幕”就写了一篇文章概述雅虎的老板玛丽莎·梅耶尔,该文章字数达到2.3万,已然是一部中篇小说了。“你可以在网上这么做,若是在杂志上你就直接破产了”,该杂志的老板亨利·布洛杰特声称。Buzz Feed,曾经因网上清楚“点击诱惑”而闻名,现拥有约170名全职员工,其中包括普利策奖获奖者Mark Schoofs,他目前负责一个新闻调查组。

Lower costs explain why so many digital news firms, like Silicon Valley start-ups, are launchingtoday. Ken Doctor, a newspaper analyst, reckons it costs as little as $5m to start a “credible”digital news offering. Financiers and philanthropists are investing in news: eBay founder PierreOmidyar put $250m into a new non-profit, First Look Media. All this has injected hope into abeleaguered industry. Last month Marc Andreessen, a venture capitalist, predicted thatjournalism may “be entering into a new golden age” and that the news industry would growten- or a hundredfold.

低成本运行解释了为什么现在如此之多的新闻公司就像硅谷的暴发户一般地崛起。新闻分析人肯·多科特回想当时打造可靠的数字新闻产品仅需500万美元。现在金融家和慈善家都在投资新闻:易趣网创始人皮尔斯·奥米戴尔投资了2,5亿元运营一个新的非盈利网站First Look Media。所有的这些为这个四面楚歌的行业注入了一缕希望。上个月,风险资本家Andreessen预测新闻业将“进入一个新的黄金期”并且新闻业的利润将增长十倍甚至百倍。

Journalism is at least becoming more participatory. Pew finds that around half of social-mediausers share news articles or videos, and comment on them. Around 7% of American adultshave posted their own news video to a social network, or submitted one to an establishednews site. Interactive features are doing particularly well. Last year the New York Times's mostpopular “article” was a quiz in which people could test whether they spoke more like a LosAngeleno or a Louisianan.


Some positive news is welcome, but newsrooms continue to bleed jobs (see chart). The rise ofdigital-media firms has done little to restore local news coverage, which has suffered with theclosure of many local papers. Digital-news firms'long-form narratives and investigativejournalism may grab attention, but they are unlikely to compensate for projects that willnever take place again in old newsrooms because of budgetary woes.


Facebook users may be reading news, but they spend on average only a minute and a half on anews site each month if they come from Facebook, about a third of the time that visitors spendif they go to a newspaper's site directly. And digital video may be growing, but its advertisingonly accounts for around 10% of all digital ad revenues, and viewing growth has slowed. Eventelevision news is not having an easy time. In 2013 the three big cable news channels—CNN,Fox and MSNBC—lost around 11% of their combined audience during prime-time. The newsindustry today resembles Newton's third law of motion, says Amy Mitchell, Pew's director ofjournalism research: for every action, there is an equally strong reaction. The momentummight have shifted online, but gravity is still pulling everyone down to earth.

脸谱网的用户或许在读新闻,但是如果消息来自脸谱网,他们平均一个月花一分半钟看新闻,若他们直接进入新闻网网页,访客花费的时间约占三分之一。数字视频或有增长,但是其广告收入仅占所有数字广告收入的10%,并且据观察增长已放缓。即便是电视新闻日子也不好过。2013年,三大新闻频道,美国有线新闻网、福克斯和微软全国有线广播电视新闻公司黄金时间流失了约11%的共同观众。今天的新闻业与牛顿的第三运动定律很像,皮尤新闻调查中心的主任Amy Mitchell如是道,每一步都会有同等强烈的反应。新闻业的发展势头或许已经转向了网络,但是重力作用依然在将人们往地上拽。译者:占文英

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