
本站小编 新浪教育/2015-11-04



  What is the main idea/subject ofthis passage?

  This passage is mainly/primarilyconcerned with__

  The main theme/point of the passageis_____

  Which of the following is the best title

  for the passage?

  Which of the following best describes

  that passage as a whole?

  In this passage the author mainly argues


  What does that author intend to convey throughthe passage?

  The central idea conveyed in theabove passage is that_______。



  Text 1

  Inan essay entitled “Making It in America,” the author AdamDavidson relates a joke from cotton country about just how much a moderntextile mill has been automated: The average mill has only two employees today,

  “a man and a dog. The man is there to feed the dog, andthe dog is there to keep the man away from the machines。”

  Davidson’s article is one of a number of pieces that haverecently appeared making the point that the reason we have such stubbornly highunemployment and declining middle-class incomes today is largely because of thebig drop in demand because of the Great Recession, but it is alsobecause of the advances in both globalization and the information technology

  revolution, which are more rapidly than ever replacing labor with machines orforeign workers。

  Inthe past, workers with average skills, doing an average job, could earn anaverage lifestyle. But, today, average is officially over. Beingaverage just won’t earn you what it used to. It can’t when so many more employers have so much moreaccess to so much more above average cheap foreign labor, cheap robotics, cheapsoftware, cheap automation and cheap genius. Therefore, everyone needs to findtheir extra—theirunique value contribution that makes them stand out in whatever is their fieldof employment。

  Yes,new technology has been eating jobs forever, and always will. But there’s been an acceleration. As Davidson notes, “In the 10 years ending in 2009,U.S. factories shed workers so fast that they erased almost all the gains ofthe previous 70 years; roughly one out of every three manufacturing jobs—about 6 million in total—disappeared。”

  Therewill always be change—new jobs, new products, new services. But the one thing we know forsure is that with each advance in globalization and the I.T. revolution, thebest jobs will require workers to have more and better education to makethemselves above average。

  Ina world where average is officially over, there are many thingswe need to do to buttress employment, but nothing would be more important thanpassing some kind of G.I. Bill for the 21st century that ensures that everyAmerican has access to post-high school education。

  25. Which of the following would be the mostappropriate title for the text?

  A.Technology Goes Cheap.           B.New Law Takes Effect。

  C.Recession Is Bad.                    D.Average Is Over。

  从文中,我们不难找出,选项A中的关键词Technology出现一次(黑体字);选项B中的关键词New Law和Effect没有出现;选项C中的关键词Recession 出现一次(斜体字);而选项D中的关键词Average Is Over出现两次(黑体加下划线),并且还是原句出现。因此,我们可以判定,文章就是围绕Average Is Over这个话题展开的。因此,答案选D。

  Text 2

  Acentury ago, the immigrants from across the Atlantic included settlers andsojourners. Along with the many folks looking to make a permanent home in theUnited States came those who had no intention to stay, and who would make somemoney and then go home. Between 1908 and 1915, about 7 million people arrivedwhile about 2 million departed. About a quarter of all Italian immigrants, forexample, eventually returned to Italy for good. They even had an affectionatenickname, “uccellidi passaggio,” birds of passage。

  Today,we are much more rigid about immigrants. We divide newcomers into twocategories: legal or illegal, good or bad. We hail them asAmericans in the making, or brand them as aliens to be kicked out. Thatframework has contributed mightily to our broken immigration system and thelong political paralysis over how to fix it. We don’t need more categories, but we need to change theway we think about categories. We need to look beyond strict definitions of legaland illegal. To start, we can recognize the new birds of passage, those

  living and thriving in the gray areas. We might then begin to solve ourimmigration challenges。

  Croppickers, violinists, construction workers, entrepreneurs, engineers, homehealth-care aides and physicists are among today’s birds of passage. They are energetic participantsin a global economy driven by the flow of work, money and ideas. They prefer to

  come and go as opportunity calls them. They can manage to have a job inone place and a family in another。

  Withor without

  permission, they straddle laws, jurisdictions and identities with ease.We need them to imagine the United States as a place where they can beproductive for a while without committing themselves to staying forever. Weneed them to feel that home can be both here and there and that they can belongto two nations honorably。

  Accommodatingthis new world of people in motion will require new attitudes on both sides ofthe immigration battle. Looking beyond the culture war logic of right or wrongmeans opening up the middle ground and understanding that managing immigrationtoday requires multiple paths and multiple outcomes, including some that arenot easy to accomplish legally in the existing system。

  30. The most appropriate title for this text wouldbe        。

  A. Come andGo: Big Mistake           B. Living and Thriving:Great Risk

  C. Legal orIllegal: Big Mistake     D. With or Without: Great Risk

  从文中,我们不难找出,选项A中的关键词Come and Go出现一次(黑体字);选项B中的关键词. Living and Thriving出现一次(黑体);选项C中的关键词 Legal or Illegal出现三次(黑体加下划线),并且还原句出现两次;选项D中的关键词With or Without出现一次(黑体)。因此,我们可以判定,文章就是围绕

  Legal or Illegal这个话题展开的。因此,答案选C。



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