
exam8 exam8/2007-10-05


  Have you had a busy week?


  A   Hi, Sue.  Have you had a busy week?

  A   嗨,苏。你这一周很忙吗?

  B   Hi, Yan.  Yes,I have—there’s been lots of sightseeing,lots of places to go and see.  It’s been a very busy week.

  B   嗨,燕。是的,我很忙——参观了很多地方,太多东西要看。真是繁忙的一周。

  A   Maybe we should do something more relaxing this weekend.

  A   也许这个周末我们应该做些更放松的事。

  B   Good idea.  Some shopping would be nice.

  B   好主意。去购物会不错。

  A   Perfect.  Let’s go shopping on Saturday.

  A   好极了。我们周六去购物。

  注释   Notes

  If you want to ask someone if they have done something, you can begin your sentence with Have you...?  e.g.Have you had a busy week;Have you had a nice day.

  如果要问某人是否已经做了某事,你可以这样开始:Have you...? (你已经……了吗?)。例如:Have you had a busy week? (你这周很忙吗?); Have you had a nice day? (你今天过得愉快吗?)。

  To suggest something you can also use should.e.g.Maybe we should do something more relaxing this weekend; Maybe we should go home now.

  要建议某事你也可以用should(应该)。例如:Maybe we should do something more relaxing this weekend(也许这个周末我们应该做些更放松的事),Maybe we should go home now(也许我们现在应该回家)。

  重要的短语和句子   Key phrases & sentences

  Have you had a busy week? 你这一周很忙吗?

  Yes,I have.是的,我很忙。

  Lots of sightseeing, lots of places to go and see.


  It’s been a very busy week.真是繁忙的一周。

  Maybe we should do something more relaxing this weekend.


  Some shopping would be nice.去购物会不错。

  Let’s go shopping on Saturday.我们周六去购物。


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