英语语法新思维高级教程——驾驭语法 第2部分(2)

本站小编 免费考研网/2018-12-19

A. which they supposed

B. which they supposed that

C. they supposed that

D. that they supposed which

4. The girl     we supposed was drowned came back.

A. who

B. whom

C. as

D. which

5. The girl     we supposed drowned came back.

A. what

B. that

C. as

D. which

2. 分析下列句子结构并译成汉语。

6. Every December we choose ten trends that we think will be the most important influences in the business of technology in the coming year.

7. Finally he had saved $50, which some Henning people living in Chicago, who were back home visiting, had assured him was enough to see him eat and sleep long enough to find himself a job that would put him on his feet.

8. During the nineteenth century, she argues, the concept of the "useful" child who contributed to the family economy gave way gradually to the present-day notion of the "useless" child who, though producing no income for, and indeed extremely costly to, its parents, is yet considered emotionally "priceless".

2.17 并列定语从句

所谓并列定语从句,是指两个或两个以上的定语从句,通过and, but, or等并列连词连接来共同修饰同一个先行词。请看例句:

1 The errors occurring in the exam often result from the things that you don't know or that you think you know.

妙语点睛 两个定语从句that you don't know 和that you think you know由连词or连接,都修饰同一个先行词the things。

精品译文 考试中所犯的错误,往往是因为某些知识点你不知道或者你认为自己知道(但实际上你不知道)。

2 Greater expense does not always equal better gift. I would much rather receive a gift that was unique or that I knew my friend had put some thought into rather than something that cost a lot of money but that I didn't need or want. I would much rather receive something that made me laugh, made me reminisce, or fit my personality than something that cost a lot but that I will just throw in my closet and forget about.

妙语点睛 这里有很多定语从句并列。其中,that was unique和that I knew my friend had put some thought into由or连接,共同修饰gift;that cost a lot of money和that I didn't need or want由but连接,共同修饰something;that cost a lot和that I will just throw in my closet and forget about由but连接,共同修饰something。

精品译文 价格昂贵的礼物并不意味着贵重,我倒希望收到的礼物是很别致的,或是我知道是朋友精心为我准备的,而不是花了很多钱却不是我所想要或需要的。我希望收到的是能够让我开心,让我回味过去的时光,或是适合我口味的礼物,而不是价格不菲,但看完之后随手就扔进储藏室,抛在脑后的礼物。

3 When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving much advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a gentle and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares.

妙语点睛 这是Henry Nouwen在论及朋友时说的一番话。三个定语从句who can be silent..., who can stay with us..., who can tolerate...并列修饰friend。

精品译文 当我们坦率地问自己,哪种人在我们的生活中对我们最具有意义时,我们常常会发现,不是那些给我们很多劝告、答案或对策的人,而是那些选择分担我们的痛苦,用温柔而亲切的手抚慰我们创伤的人。朋友是那些在我们绝望或迷惘时与我们一起保持沉默,在我们悲伤和失去亲人时待在我们身边,能宽恕我们的幼稚无知、苦无良策、心痛难复,以及能与我们一起正视我们的软弱的人。那样的人才是真正关心我们的朋友。

4 Friendship is a very difficult thing. It is hard to handle. It creates many different problems. In fact I would say that friendship is as hard to handle as love is, or even marriage. Of course I am not talking about easy-come-easy-go friendship. I'm talking about friends who care deeply about each other, who support each other, and who make life worth living. I'm talking about friends who you can share almost everything with.

妙语点睛 三个定语从句who care deeply about each other, who support each other和who make life worth living并列修饰friends。

精品译文 友谊是很难处理的,有时还会带来许多各种各样的麻烦。事实上,我想说的是,友谊与爱情甚至婚姻一样难以应付。当然,我这里所说的友谊不是那种“来得快去得也快”的泛泛之交,而是那种彼此之间能真正互相关心的朋友,能够互相支持的朋友,能够让你的人生更有意义的朋友,是那种你和他们几乎可以分享一切的朋友。


5 He found a dollar bill that he had forgotten in a suit that he was sending to the cleaner.

妙语点睛 两个定语从句that he had forgotten in a suit和that he was sending to the cleaner的先行词各不相同,前者的先行词是a dollar bill,后者的先行词是a suit。

精品译文 他在那件正要送到洗衣店去的西服里找到了他忘记的一块钱。


Exercise 2.17


The 20th century will be remembered as the era when space was conquered, or the power of the atom harnessed, but that in which were made the first machines having intelligence.

2.18 双层定语从句


1. 一个先行词首先被一个限定性定语从句所修饰,来表示一个特定的意思。然后,这个“先行词+限定性定语从句”再被另外一个限定性定语从句所修饰。

2. 这两个限制定性定语从句是处在不同层次上的,并不像并列定语从句那样是同一个先行词后面带有两个并列的定语从句,因而不能用连词and, but, or等来连接它们。


1 He is the only person that we know who speaks so many foreign languages.

妙语点睛 第一层定语从句that we know的先行词为the only person;第二层定语从句who speaks so many foreign languages的先行词为the only person that we know。

精品译文 他是我们所认识的人当中唯一一位会说这么多外语的人。

2 Dr. Kissinger is the only person (that) we know who can eat caviar with chopsticks.

妙语点睛 第一层定语从句 (that) we know的先行词为the only person;第二层定语从句who can eat caviar with chopsticks的先行词为the only person (that) we know。

精品译文 基辛格博士是我们所认识的人当中唯一一位能够用筷子吃鱼子酱的人。


3 There is nothing you can do, achieve, or buy that will outshine the peace, joy and happiness of being in communication with the partner you love.

妙语点睛 第一层定语从句you can do, achieve, or buy的先行词为nothing;第二层定语从句that will outshine the peace, joy and happiness of being in communication with the partner you love的先行词为nothing you can do, achieve, or buy。

精品译文 当你和自己心爱的人进行交流时,你心中所产生的那种安宁、快乐和幸福感要胜过一切你能做到、得到或买到的东西。

4 What was it you started to tell me in the restaurant that you didn't understand about me?

妙语点睛 第一层定语从句you started to tell me in the restaurant的先行词为what;第二层定语从句that you didn't understand about me的先行词为what...you started to tell me in the restaurant。

精品译文 你刚才在餐馆里想要告诉我的,说你不了解我的是什么来着?



Exercise 2.18


1. The only system I know which will help you to remember what you have heard at a lecture is that of keeping notes.

2. I would appreciate any ideas you might think of that would be especially pertinent to Chinese students.

3. There are probably no questions we can think up that can't be answered, sooner or later, including even the matter of consciousness.

4. Customs inspectors are hard to fool. They see scores of travelers every day. They soon learn how to pick out a person who may be smuggling something across the border. The clue may be in the way the person walks. Or it may be in the way he talks. Or it may be just a strange feeling the inspector has that makes him suspect a person of smuggling.



















1. 选择最佳答案填空。

1. Water enters into a great variety of chemical reactions,     have been mentioned in previous pages.

A. a few of what

B. a few of which

C. a few of that

D. a few of them

2.     shrewd people     he described in his novel are to be found everywhere.

A. Such/like

B. Such/as

C. So/like

D. So/as

3. The Great Wall is the place     almost all tourists would like to visit when they come to Beijing.

A. where

B. which

C. of which

D. in which

4. He didn't have a good command of spoken English,     made it difficult for him to get a good job.

A. that

B. which

C. what

D. this

5. Collin's struggle to make a place for herself in ballet is the kind of life story     a fascinating novel might be written.

A. of that

B. about which

C. by whom

D. for whom

6. The quality of teaching should be measured by the degree     the students' potentiality is developed.

A. of which

B. with which

C. in which

D. to which

7. Basic research provides the capital fund of scientific knowledge     which the applied researchers draw to give society a rich rate of interest.

A. on

B. out

C. up

D. back

8. Hiram Revels, the first Black member of the United States Senate, served as senator from Mississippi, an office     he was elected in 1870.

A. which

B. to which

C. and which

D. at which

9. They will move into the new house next Friday,     it will be completely furnished.

A. by the time

B. by which time

C. by that time

D. by this time

10. The tall rectangular buildings may well give way to a more complex and exciting shape providing areas     which the individual can fully identify himself.

A. to

B. for

C. with

D. by

11. We can separate oil into the chemical compounds     it is composed.

A. of which

B. with which

C. in which

D. from which

12. We have found a useful compound     we can separate some important elements.

A. of which

B. with which

C. in which

D. from which

13. Noise in a room may be reduced by carpeting, draperies, and upholstered furniture,     absorb sound.

A. which they all

B. of them all

C. all of which

D. of all which

14. After the First World War, the author Anais Nin became interested in the art movement known as Surrealism and in psychoanalysis, both     her novels and short stories.

A. in which the influence

B. of which influenced

C. to have influence

D. its influence in

15. I don't think the number of people     this happens is very large.

A. when

B. to whom

C. that

D. of which

16. Anthony Jason,     Louis succeeded in the experiment, was a friend of mine.

A. with the help from whom

B. with whose help

C. with the help of his

D. with his help

17. He's written a book     the name I've completely forgotten.

A. whose

B. which

C. of which

D. that

18. Watercolor provides a brilliant transparency and freshness,     it allows extraordinarily free brushwork.

A. that

B. during

C. which

D. and

19. Mahalia Jackson,     combined powerful vitality with great dignity, was one of the best-known gospel singers in the United States.

A. it was her singing

B. which songs

C. who sang

D. whose singing

20. Mr. Jones,     John was working, was very generous about overtime payment.

A. for whom

B. for who

C. whom

D. for that

21. Arthur Miller's play Death of a Salesman is the tragic story of a man destroyed by his own hollow values and those of the society    .

A. he lives in which

B. in which he lives

C. which in he lives

D. in that he lives

22. In the United States, a primary election is a method     voters select the nominees for public office.

A. in that

B. by which

C. by those

D. is that

23. Emily Dickinson's garden was a place     great inspiration for her poems.

A. that she drew

B. by drawing her

C. from which she drew

D. drawn from which

24. We moved to the new house in the suburbs so that the kids would have a garden    .

A. in which to play

B. to play with

C. to play

D. where to play

25. He showed me a book,     I could tell that it was pretty old.

A. which cover

B. of which cover

C. the cover which

D. from the cover of which

26. Solomon was diligent, responsible and hardworking,     he was promoted from a clerk to a manager.

A. for which

B. which

C. for

D. that

27. "Did the audience participate in the party?"

"Yes, the actors     to involve the audience were successful."

A. whom it was the function

B. of which the function was

C. whose function it was

D. whose were the function

28. The doctors all blamed the irresponsible boy     to protect the little girl.

A. it was he that was

B. whose duty was it

C. it was whose duty

D. whose duty it was

29. The project requires more labor than     because it is extremely difficult.

A. has been put in

B. have been put in

C. being put in

D. to be put in

30. He often sat in a small bar drinking considerably more than    .

A. he was in good health

B. his good health was

C. his health was good

D. was good for his health

31. The costs of distribution and sales make up a large part of prices that    .

A. all products are paid for

B. are paid for all products

C. for all products paid

D. for which all products paid


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