英语语法新思维高级教程——驾驭语法 第2部分(15)

本站小编 免费考研网/2018-12-19

C. in case

D. after

2.     the weather was bad, we decided not to go out.

A. In spite of

B. Though

C. Since

D. Although

3.     dragon exists in the world. That's your illusion.

A. No such a thing as

B. No such thing as a

C. No such a thing as a

D. No such thing as

4.    , many people still vote against the use of the death penalty.

A. However some crimes are inexcusable

B. However are some crimes inexcusable

C. However inexcusable some crimes are

D. Some crimes are however inexcusable

5. He always did well at school     having to do part-time jobs every now and then.

A. in case of

B. in spite of

C. regardless of

D. on account of

6.     the calculation is right, scientists can never be sure that they have included all variables and modeled them accurately.

A. Even if

B. As far as

C. If only

D. So long as

7. These two areas are similar     they both have a high rainfall during this season.

A. to that

B. besides that

C. in that

D. except that

8. The trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasn't bothered by his loudness     by his lack of talent.

A. than

B. more than

C. as

D. so much as

9.     devised to lessen the drudgery of washing clothes that the origin of the washing machine is unclear.

A. Were the inventions so numerous

B. The inventions so numerous

C. So numerous were the inventions

D. The inventions that were so numerous

10.     some flowers contain more nectar than others, how does a honeybee worker, faced with a patch of flowers containing variable amounts of nectar, decide when to stop collecting.

A. Given that

B. Giving that

C. To give

D. Being given

11. Hovercraft, or air-cushion vehicles, are unusual     travel over land and water on a layer of air.

A. they

B. in they

C. that they

D. in that they

12. Computers that once took up entire rooms are now     to put on desktops and into wristwatches.

A. smaller than

B. so small

C. as small as

D. so small as

13.     the fact that his initial experiments had failed, Prof. White persisted in his research.

A. Because of

B. Though

C. In spite of

D. In view of

14. Criticism and self-criticism is necessary     it helps us to find and correct our mistakes.

A. by that

B. at that

C. on that

D. in that

15. The world's deepest cave, Pierre St. Martin in the Pyrenees mountains, is almost three times as deep

A. as the Empire State Building is high

B. that the Empire State Building is higher

C. is higher than the Empire State Building

D. and the Empire State Building's height

16. Just as the builder is skilled in the handling of his bricks,     the experienced writer is skilled in the handling of his words.

A. as

B. thus

C. so

D. like

17. According to psychologists, a person's attention is attracted     by the intensity of different signals as by their context, significance, and information content.

A. not much so

B. not so much

C. so much not

D. so not much

18.     their differences, the couple were developing an obvious and genuine affection for each other.

A. But for

B. For all

C. Above all

D. Except for

19. The chief reason for the population growth isn't so much a rise in birth rates     a fall in death rates as a result of improvements in medical care.

A. and

B. as

C. but

D. rather than

20. The very essence of civil liberty consists in the right of every individual to claim the protection of laws,     he receives an injury.

A. whenever

B. wherever

C. whatever

D. whereas

21.     she was a talented amateur cook, whose specialty was rich, cream-filled gateaux and puddings, she decided to put that talent to work.

A. Seen that

B. Seeing that

C. So

D. When

22.     she started to look for premises, she looked at the business property columns in the local paper.

A. Not sooner than

B. While

C. The moment

D. Hardly

23. Angiosperms inhabit relatively diverse environments and may be found     higher plants can survive.

A. there

B. where

C. somewhere

D. then

24.     that my head had cleared, my brain was also beginning to work much better.

A. For

B. Now

C. Since

D. Despite

25. A man escaped from the prison last night. It was a long time     the guards discovered what had happened.

A. before

B. until

C. since

D. after

26. The more female faculty at a school, whether it is co-ed or single sex, the more     a female student is to go on to postgraduate accomplishment, usually a higher degree.

A. possible

B. probable

C. alike

D. likely

27.     all his varied modes of writing and the multiplicity of characters in his novel, the novelist and his work are of a piece.

A. At

B. For

C. In

D. On

28. A turtle differs from all other reptiles     it has its body encased in a protective shell of its own.

A. for that

B. for what

C. in case

D. in that

29.     you are familiar with the author's ideas, try reading all the sections as quickly as you possibly can.

A. Now that

B. Ever since

C. So that

D. As long as

30. The songs of Bob Dylan are very popular among people, who regard him     other musicians.

A. as more superior to

B. as superior than

C. as superior to

D. as more superior than

31. People throughout the world are eating     meat per person as they did in 1945.

A. more than twice

B. twice as much

C. twice much as

D. twice more

32. The boy walked quietly into the room     awake his room mates.

A. in order to not

B. so as not to

C. for not to

D. so as to

33. Let us hope that     a nuclear war, the human race might still survive.

A. in relation to

B. in support of

C. in the case of

D. in the event of

34. No sooner had we started the experiment     we stopped it because of the cut-off of water.

A. than

B. when

C. then

D. as

35.     was the first fully successful transatlantic cable finally laid.

A. Not until 1866

B. Until 1866, just

C. Until 1866

D. In 1866, not until

36. This is an ideal site for a university     it is far from the downtown area.

A. provided that

B. now that

C. so that

D. in that

37. Mercury differs from other industrial metals     it is a liquid.

A. and that

B. but that

C. in that

D. for that

38. Some companies have introduced flexible working time with less emphasis on pressure    .

A. than more on efficiency

B. and more efficiency

C. and more on efficiency

D. than efficiency

39. She is     a musician than her brother.

A. much of

B. much as

C. more of

D. more as

40. The lower     in a room, the more slowly our eyes focus.

A. the level of lighting

B. light level

C. leveling of light

D. lighting is level

41. Just as the value of a telephone network increases with each new phone added to the system,     the value of a computer system increase with each program that turns out.

A. so

B. so does

C. and it does

D. so does it

42. Melted iron is poured into the mixer much     tea is poured into a cup from a teapot.

A. in the same way like

B. in the same way which

C. in the same way

D. in the same way as

43. The lenses in an optical microscope bend the light passing through a specimen to form an image of that specimen that is much larger     actually viewed.

A. than it

B. than the one

C. one than

D. than one which

44. The vocabulary and grammatical differences between British and American English are so trivial and few as hardly    .

A. noticed

B. to be noticed

C. being noticed

D. to notice

45.     recurring fear is out of proportion to any real danger, it is called a phobia.

A. When

B. Whereas

C. Which

D. Whether

46.     no conclusive evidence exists, many experts believe that the wheel was invented only once and then diffused to the rest of the world.

A. Even

B. But

C. Although

D. So

47. Human being are superior to animals     they can use language as a tool to communicate.

A. for which

B. in which

C. for that

D. in that

48.     earth scientists understand how and why earthquakes happen, forecasts are usually inaccurate.

A. as

B. while

C. for

D. since

49.     Sarah Orne Jewett, a nineteenth-century writer, read widely in her family's extensive library.

A. That she received little education formally

B. As she received little formal education

C. The little formal education that she received

D. Although she received little formal education

50. Gorillas are quiet animals,     they are capable of making about 20 different sounds.

A. whether

B. which

C. even though

D. as well as

51.     your opinions are worth considering, the committee finds it unwise to place too much importance on them.

A. As

B. Since

C. Provided

D. While

52.     we have begun exploring in earnest, we are getting glimpses of how huge the questions are and how far from being answered.

A. That

B. Then

C. Now that

D. Now

53.     that they may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percent.

A. So clever are the construction robots

B. So clever the construction robots are

C. Such construction robots are clever

D. Such clever construction robots are

54. Hippopotamuses(河马),     a great deal of time submerging in lakes or rivers, do not feed in the water.

A. spend

B. they spend

C. although they spend

D. which they spend

55.     the Atlantic Ocean crosses the equator, the trade winds cause a flow of water to the west.

A. Where

B. And

C. That

D. At

56. Just as they must put aside their prejudices,     we must be prepared to accept their good faith.

A. thus

B. so

C. as

D. like

57. Nails protect the ends of human fingers and toes     protect the toes of most other vertebrates.

A. claws

B. as claws

C. as claws to

D. so do claws

58. In these activities, it is important to remember that young teens have short attention spans. A variety of activities should be organized     participants can remain active as long as they want and then go on to something else without feeling guilty and without letting the other participants down.

A. if only

B. now that

C. so that

D. even if

59.     its economy continues to recover, the US is increasingly becoming a nation of part-timers and temporary workers.

A. Even though

B. Now that

C. If only

D. Provided that

60. All these conditions tend to increase the probability of a child committing a criminal act,     a direct causal relationship has not yet been established.

A. provided

B. since

C. although

D. supposing

2. 辨别改错。

61. Some of the (A) first aerial photographs (B) were taken from (C) a balloon while (D) the Civil War in the United States.

62. Since rats are destructive (A) and may carry (B) disease, therefore many (C) cities try to exterminate (D) them.

63. The southwestern portion (A) of the United States is a land of little (B) rain, and parts of it are too (C) dry that they are (D) called deserts.

64. The black (A) leopard is very (B) dark that its spots (C) are difficult to see (D).

65. The radio was of so (A) inferior quality that (B) I took it back (C) and asked for a better one (D).

66. Science fiction is any fiction dealing (A) with the future or with so (B) imaginative subjects as interstellar travel, life (C) on other planets, or (D) time travel.

67. The speaker claimed that no other (A) modern nation devotes so small (B) a portion of its wealth to public assistance and health than (C) the United States does (D).

68. The moon has a mass that is nearly one hundred times less (A) than the earth (B); in consequence, the force (C) of gravity at the moon's surface is only one-sixth of (D) that at the earth's surface.

69. Some insects (A) hear ultrasonic sounds (B) more than (C) two octaves than higher (D) human can.

70. Saturn is the second largest (A) planet after (B) Jupiter, with (C) a diameter nearly ten times those of (D) Earth.

71. Despite (A) fats and oils are nutritionally (B) important as (C) energy sources, medical research indicates (D) that saturated fats my contribute to hardening of the arteries.

72. Some psychologists believe that those who (A) are encouraged to be independent, responsible (B), and competent in childhood (C) are likely more than (D) others to become motivated to achieve.

73. Brown rice (A) has great (B) nutritional value (C) than white rice because the nutrient-rice outer layers of the rice kernel (D) are not removed from brown rice.

74. Although Christopher Columbus failed in (A) his original goal, the discoveries he did make (B) were as (C) important than the route to Asia he expected (D) to find.

75. Ice is less (A) denser (B) than the liquid (C) from which it (D) is formed.

76. Of (A) the many machines invented (B) in the late century, none (C) had a great (D) impact on the United States economy than the automobile.

3. 把下列句子译成汉语。

77. While the government pushed for a total breakup of the software maker, Microsoft fought fiercely against any positions that would affect its ability to compete in the marketplace.

78. While often praised by foreigners for its emphasis on the basics, Japanese education tends to stress test taking and mechanical learning over creativity and self-expression.

79. In the 1950s, the pioneers of artificial intelligence (AI) predicted that, by the end of this century, computers would be conversing with us at work and robots would be performing out housework. But as useful as computers are, they're nowhere close to achieving anything remotely resembling these early aspirations for humanlike behavior. Never mind something as complex as conversation: the most powerful computers struggle to reliably recognize the shape of an object, the most elementary of tasks for a ten-month-old kid.


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