
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

TOEIC verbal word list
Improving Vocabulary: English Noun Adjective Adverb VerbTest # TOEIC/W8

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n. honor; esteem; high regard; consideration; attention


 toeic study guide
n. person that you have met but do not know well; knowledge of something; familiarity


adj. nicely; thoughtfully; graciously; considerately; warm-heartedly; sympathetically; as a matter of courtesy; please


n. post that is sharpened at one end for driving into the ground; post to which a person who is sentenced to death by burning is tied; execution by burning; wager; bet; investment; share


n. capability of being carried out; capability of being achieved; likelihood; probability


adv. almost certainly; very likely; apparently; in all likelihood


adj. composed of elastic material; made from caoutchouc


n. public; large group of people; gathering; large number of objects grouped together


adj. near; adjacent; careful; secretive; stingy; dense; compact; crowded; oppressive; intimate


v. to cover; to coat



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