

  The ETS expert will also demonstrate and instruct trainees how to use TOEFL Practice Online (TPO), the official TOEFL® iBT simulation tool, during the workshop and seminar. The training workshop and seminar is open to all relevant organizations and individuals in China and ETS will grant certificates for participants who complete this training course.

  ETS will also use this opportunity to introduce The Official Guide to the NEW TOEFL® iBT 2008 edition to all participants. The Guide is a compilation of the most up-to-date TOEFL® iBT test questions since its launch in September 2005, and will serve as useful preparation and guidance. It will be an essential tool for test takers who wish to achieve excellent TOEFL® iBT scores.

  ETS has long attached great importance to English language learners in China, and we hope to make our own contribution to Chinas social and economic growth by providing them and their teachers with comprehensive support and guidance, says Eng Han Tan, ETS China office Chief Representative. As a bridge between ETS headquarters and the China education sector, the ETS China office is committed to introducing the most updated and authoritative ETS products and services. ETS China is also committed to enhancing the provision of English teaching materials and teacher development in order to meet the education needs and provide Chinese users more materials and professional services.


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