
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-25

Average-looking men with good manners are among the most trusted, while good-looking men are trusted the least, a new survey suggests.

The survey, conducted in Canada and the United States by public relations firm Ketchum Global Research Network and brand development firm MARC Research, showed that men with good manners are considered more attractive than those without.

But only 17 percent of the Canadians surveyed trust good looking men.

"Canadians and Americans both agree that good manners are critical to getting the attention of a potential love interest," researchers said in a statement.

"Canadians have an innate distrust of attractive people."

The phone survey of 515 Canadians and 515 Americans was conducted on behalf of Canadian Club Whisky, which is owned by Illinois-based Beam Global Spirits & Wine Inc and part of Fortune Brands Inc.

The survey showed that Canadians care less than Americans about making money.

Fifty percent of the Americans polled said they would be willing to shift to a seven-day work week for a wage increase, but only 36 percent of Canadians would do the same. 


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