
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-25

She may be cute, but the latest top model to make her debut in Vogue is also podgy with short legs and whiskers.

Hello Kitty, a popular cat character in Japan, is set for a designer makeover in the June issue of Japanese Vogue, which goes on sale on April 26.

The fashion spread will show Kitty modeling the latest autumn and winter designs by John Galliano for the Dior brand, posing with the designer and enjoying a shopping spree in Paris.

"Of course this is the first time the historic fashion house of Dior has had a cartoon character model their entire collection," said an official at Conde Nast Japan, publishers of Vogue Nippon.

But the famous feline already has a following among the fashion crowd, she added.

"Japanese animation and characters have been a strong influence on the fashion world in the last few seasons, but Kitty is special," the official said. "Fashion people all know her name and face and always say they love her. That's why we at Vogue wanted to do something involving her."


她就是日本著名的卡通猫Hello Kitty。Hello Kitty将作为“时装模特”首次亮相将于本月26日上架的日版《Vogue》六月号。

Hello Kitty将展示时装设计师约翰•加利亚诺设计的“迪奥”最新秋冬装系列,杂志还将刊登Hello Kitty与设计师的合影以及她在巴黎尽情采购的情景。

《Vogue Nippon》杂志出版商、Conde Nast会社的一位官员表示:“毫无疑问,这是历史悠久的“迪奥”时尚品牌首次用卡通形象当模特来展示他们的设计。”


她说:“近几年,日本的动画和卡通形象对时尚界影响甚大,但Hello Kitty有她的特别之处。时尚界人士都知道她的大名和模样,而且一直都很喜欢她。这也是为什么我们想与她‘合作’的原因。”


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