
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-12


1. However, Ecuador preserved their strength for the knockout stage, keeping their two star strikers Agustin Delgado and Carlos Tenorio on the bench.
不知道厄瓜多尔这一招是不是就是为了对阵英格兰而保存实力,不过,从结果来看,显然收效不大。因为替补都是“坐板凳”的,所以“让某人做替补”就可以说成 keep sb. on the bench。没想过汉语和英语可以这么相同吧?

2. Rooney came off the bench in the 58th minute as England struggled to break down its Caribbean opponent.
鲁尼的回归可是让fans们大大惊喜了一场。既然做替补是on the bench的,那么从“替补队员”成为“上场队员”就可以说成是come off the bench。

3. Johan Elmander, who had come on as a substitute just three minutes earlier, set up the goal when he swung a pass from 25 yards out on the right side toward Marcus Allback on the left.“坐板凳”是替补的一个nickname,人家正式的英文名可是substitute,想必大家都不陌生吧。

4. In the 34th, Switzerland's Johan Djourou was replaced by Stephane Grichting.


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