
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-12

1.he ain't coming off the goods.他什么都不说
come off就是二个原来在一起的东西分开的意思

2.i'm on my way and I need your talents,on the ground as well. 我正在赶去,我需要你的帮助
on the ground=从基础开始
另外与之相对的hit the ceiling的意思的"暴跳如雷"

3.You wanted me to figure out Scofield's rendezvous with Tancredi? 你想我找出Scofield和Tancredi的 会面地点么?

4.I'm sitting right on top of it. 我就快得手了 字串4
on top of=了解知道,熟练掌握

5.i could drop you back off with the crops if you'd prefer.若你喜欢我可以把你们再还给警察
drop... back off=退还给

6.she's picking me uo in a few hours.她一会来接我
pick up 是常用口语,意为"接某人上车",或"搭便车"

7.Running away into the sunset with the man who lied to me? 和一个骗我的男人一起逃亡? 

8.he's not gonna call for backup.他不会叫后援的 字串9
back up=后援,增援

9.i don't wanna get trapped in here.我不想被困在这里
trap=陷阱 be trapped in=被困住

10.you are somebody.你是个大人物
同样的,i'm nobody意思就是"我是个小人物"

11.you're on the wrong side.你站错了立场
on sb's side 站在某人一边
eg.i'm on your side.我站在你这边,我支持你

12.This is a monumental moment for both of us. 这是我们的重要时刻

monumental=纪念碑的,即不朽的 13.i'm not kidding around.我没有开玩笑
i'm not kidding太常用啦

14.you named him after yourself.他跟你姓
name A after B=A以B命名

15.Well,thanks for bailing as out. 谢谢你把我们弄出来
16.Down by the border. 南部的边境
up by the border. 北部的边境


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