
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-25



  1 避免律师的习惯干扰。漏掉冠词并不能使句子更简洁,反而使句子更难懂。不要试图把句子写得“象律师写的那样”。文章最好写得正式,而不是“象律师那样”。

  Incorrect: Police officer moved evidence to avoid disappearance from crime scene.

  Correct: The police office moved the evidence to avoid its disappearance from the crime scene.

  Incorrect: Abrams, officer on duty at time of crime, testified against defendant, Joanna Stone.

  Correct: Abrams, the officer on duty at the time of the crime, testified against the defendant, Joanna Stone.

  2 发元音和发辅音。如何选用“a”和“an”。原则很简单:以辅音开头的名词前用a,以元音开头的名词前用“an”。在第三点中将讨论稍难些的问题-如何处理元音发音和辅音发音。

  Incorrect: The judge had an gavel, and he used it frequently.

  Correct: The judge had a gavel, and he used it frequently.

  Incorrect: The judge had a elephant in her courtroom, though nobody noticed.

  Correct: The judge had an elephant in her courtroom, though nobody noticed.

  3 元音发音开头和辅音发音开头。

  有时一个单词以辅音开头,但听起来象以元音开头(即,发元音),这些单词在选用冠词时应被看作是以元音开头。这些单词多以“h”打头(例如hour和 heir),但是如果该辅音发声(发声的辅音),就应象其它辅音一样选用冠词“a”。从而,单词“heir”以元音发音开头,单词“hotel”以辅音发音开头。


  Incorrect: The judge gave the lawyers a hour's recess to review the new evidence.

  Correct: The judge gave the lawyers an hour's recess to review the new evidence.


  Incorrect: The professor was well known for posing an hypothetical question when students suggested that one rule would suffice for all situations.

  Correct: The professor was well known for posing a hypothetical question when students suggested that one rule would suffice for all situations


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