
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06

Passage III


    A young man who refused to give his name dived into the river yesterday morning to save a 12-year-old boy.

    The boy, who ran away after being rescued, had been swimming in the river and had caught his foot between two concrete posts under the bridge. He shouted out for help.

    At the time, a young man was riding across the bridge on his bicycle. He quickly dismounted and dived fully clothed into the river. He then freed the boy's foot and helped him to the river bank where a small crowd had collected. The boy thanked his rescuer courteously and sincerely, and then ran off down the road. He was last seen climbing over a gate before disappearing over the top of the hill. The young man, who was about 20 years of age, said "I don't blame the boy for not giving his name. Why should he? If he wants to swim in the river, that's his business. And if I wanted to help him, that's mine. You can't have my name either!"

    He then ran back to the bridge, mounted his bicycle and rode away.


Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.


17. How old is the boy?

18. What happened yesterday morning?

19. What did the boy do after being rescued?

20. According to the passage, which statement is not true?


During the last war, most of the men were fighting or working in factories, so it was very difficult (1) to find men to do other work. The headmaster of a school wanted a gardener, (2) the only person he was able to get was an old retired farmer.

    The old man (3) worked so hard in the school garden that (4) the headmaster became worried. He thought that the old man might (5) get ill or die if he continued like that, so he suggested to him that he should (6) work more slowly and rest more. But the old man continued (7) to work as before. At last the headmaster went to the man's wife and asked her to speak to her husband.

    "All right," she answered, "but I don't think (8) it will do any good. You see, he has worked for himself (9) all his life, never for anybody else, so he (10) has just never learnt to work slowly."



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