
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-06


  11. D)She was somewhat overweight
  12. B)At a hotel reception
  13. A)Having confidence in her son
  14. A)Have a short break
  15. C)He has been in perfect condition
  16. D)She still keeps some old furmiture in her new house
  17. A)The woman forgot lending the book to the man
  18. B)The man doesn't look like a sportsman


  19. C) She has packed it in one of her bags.
  20. B)It will last one week.
  21. D)The taxi is waiting for them.
  22. A)At home.
  23. B)She is tired of her present work.
  24. C)Translator.
  25. D)Education and experience.


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