
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-25


China National Radio: This round of reform of the State Council bodies is the sixth one since 1982, and the reform plan has been approved by the NPC during the current session. Premier Wen, how will the government implement the reform plan? What will the central government and the local governments do to improve their performance and build a service-oriented government?


Premier: We have said a lot about the reform of government and its offices. To answer your question, I would like to make three points.


First, the government and all its institutions belong to the people. To abide by the constitution and laws is the fundamental principle that guides the government in its work. The mission of the government is to protect the freedom, property and safety of the people. We provide public services to meet the fundamental interests of the people. We will pay greater attention to enhancing public administration and providing public services as we further strengthen economic regulation and market oversight.


Second, the government should operate in the open. This calls for transparency and openness. Only when a government knows what happens in the communities and what the people want can it improve its work. And only when people know what the government is doing can they give it strong support and make fair criticism.


All my colleagues present here and I myself know very well that only when you have the people in your heart will the people support you in your office.


Third, I would like to turn to public finance, an issue that has not been fully addressed.


We will continue to press ahead with the reform of public finance system and make it better structured so as to accelerate the change of model of the economic development and improve the people's lives and the environment.


The history of a country's public finance is quite a revealing one. If you read it, you will not only learn about economic development of that country, but also its social structure and level of social justice.


In the next five years, we will resolutely advance the reform of the public finance system, so that people's money will be better spent to meet their needs.

AFP: Many of the people in this room would like to get on an airplane to Lhasa right now to see what's going on up there. We are hearing that foreigners are not being allowed into Tibet and some journalists have already been expelled. This comes despite increasing calls overseas for foreign media and independent observers to be allowed in there to assess what has really happened. What's your response to these calls to let independent eyes in there? And if China is so sure of its version of events there, why not let the outside world in to see what has happened?


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