
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

      社会风气(公德):public morals (or morality)

  有公德心:be public—spirited

  向公众呼吁做某事:appeal to the public to do sth.

  在…方面教育公众:educate the public in …

  无视公共规章:disregard the public rules

  遵守法纪: comply with the law

  偷窃是违法的:Stealing is against the law

  遵守公德:comply with public morality

  守法: observe/obey the law

  违法:offend against the law

  违反公共规章:break/violate public regulations

  她自以为可以凌驾法律之上:She acts as if she is above the law

  制定和严格执法:make and rigidly enforce the law

  遵守交规: observe traffic regulations

  按道德行事:follow the morals

  改进社会风气:improve public morals

  维护公共道德:safeguard public morals

  损害公共道德:injure public morality

  应该受到法律严惩:deserve to be punished heavily by the law

  从他的行为中可以清楚看到,他不讲道德:It is obvious from his behavior that he has no morality


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