

1、Voluntary Offers 自动报价
1)We obtained your name and address from China Daily who gave us to understand that you are experienced importer of ........ We have now pleasure in offering you ..., of which we would appreciate your pushing the sale on your market.
2)We understand that you are interested in... and are offering you, by our cable of ..., a parcel at the price of ... per ton CIF... .
3) We understand that there is a good demand for... in your market, and take this opportunity of enclosing our Quotation No. ... for your consideration.
4)We are enclosing our Quotation No. ... on ... for your consideration, and hope to receive your trial order in the near future.

5)We have pleasure in offering you the goods listed on the attached offer sheet No. ... , and hope that they will be of interest to you.
6)We have pleasure in recommending to you ... and enclose Quotation No. ... for your reference.
荣幸地向贵方推荐..., 随函附上第...号报价单,供贵方考虑。
7)Further to our letter of ... we now offer you without engagement, our various items as follows
8)We are pleased to inform you that there are 50 tons of Match-stick now available for export.

2、Replies to Inquires 答复询价
1)Referring to your letter dated... in which you inquired for... , we have pleasure in cabling you an offer as follows:
2)In answer to your inquiry for...(name of commodity), we offer you ...(quantity).
关于贵公司所询...(商品), 现可供...(数量)。
3) As requested, we are offering you the following subject to our finalconfirmation:
4)We thank you for your inquiry of Nov.29, and can offer you... This offer will remain open until the receipt of your fax by return.
5)We thank you for your letter asking for our new catalogue. It is being despatched to you under separate cover and we hope that you will find many items in it which interest you.
6)Further to our letter of ... we have now heard from our works that it is possible to supply...
7)In reply to your letter of ... we confirm our fax of today reading:
8)As soon as we are able to say anything definite frgarding our supply of compressors, we will cable you again.
关于我方提供压缩机一事,一俟我方有进一步消息,即电告你方 。


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