
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11



 Insomnia or sleeplessness is a common complaint of women as they enter into menopause.
Insomnia means having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep or the feeling that your sleep was not adequate for you.
  For women who are having night sweats, their sleep is broken by frequent awakening and therefore not refreshing. Generally once the night sweats are controlled a normal sleep pattern returns. If it doesn't it may be, or have become chronic insomnia. How do you know?
  If you suffer from insomnia every night or most nights for a period of one month then you have chronic insomnia. If you're not having night sweats then it's time to look for other causes of sleeplessness. Depression and anxiety disorders are the most common causes of chronic insomnia. If you feel depressed you need to be checked by a qualified health care provider. Movement disorders such as restless leg syndrome are second on the list of insomnia for them; there are new medicines that may help. Other common causes are shift working, and pain.来源:考
  In up to 30% of people with chronic insomnia no cause can be identified. Medical treatment of these people has generally been with sleeping pills. It is estimated that 25% of the adult population in America took some type of medicines for sleep last year. It is generally agreed that sleeping pills should only be in the lowest dose and for the shortest possible time.
  Sleep hygiene is directed at changing bad sleep habits. The recommendations are:-Go to bed only when sleepy.-Do not wait up to a specified time.-Avoid caffeine and alcohol in the evening, etc.

1. The word "insomnia" means
A) having trouble falling asleep.
B) feeling that sleep is enough.来源:考
C) Having no sweats at night.
D) Having normal sleep pattern.

2. How many possible causes of sleeplessness are mentioned in the second paragraph?
A) Five
B) Six来源:考
C) Seven
D) Numerous

4. Concerning the use of sleeping pills, which of the following statements is true?
A) Most adult Americans use sleeping pills for sleep.
B) Doctors seldom give sleepless people sleeping pills.
C) Sleeping pills should be used for a very fixed period.
D) Sleeping pills should be used in a very small amount.

5. Which of the following does not fit with sleep hygiene?
A) Make a rule to go to bed at a specific time every day.
B) Go to bed when sleepy, not always at the same time.
C) Try not to drink any caffeine and alcohol in the evening
D) Change bad sleep habits and follow doctors' advice



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