
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-11

12Tanning parlors take heat 人工日照美容院吸收热量

People who seek a glamorous tan through sun lamps may double their risk of developing common types of skin cancer, according to a new study that found the risk was highest for those who start at a young age

The study, appearing in the latest issue of Journal of the USNational Cancer Instituteconcluded that people who use tanning devices were 1.5 to 2.5 times more 1ikely to have common kinds of skin cancer than were people who did not use the devices

The study confirmed what doctors have long suspected—that sun lamp use increases the risk of basal cell and squamous cell skin cancerssaid Margaret RKaragasfirst author of the study

Either going to the tanning parloror getting an infrequent sunburn can seriously damage the skinsaid DrJames Spencervice chairman of the department of dermatology at Mount Hospitalbut the smalldaytoday exposure is worse for the skin in the long run

Joseph ALevyvice president of the International Smart Tan Networkhoweversaid occasional sunburn “is a risk factor in all forms of skin cancer and intermittent sunburn is what the tanning industry is trying to stop’’

In the study, Karagas and her colleagues interviewed 603 basal cell skin cancer patients and 293 with squamous cell skin cancerThey talked to 540 control subjects, who did not have either type of skin cancer.

About l million Americans are diagnosed annually with skin cancerAmong those skin cancer patientsabout 80 percent are with basal cell skin cancer,16 percentwith squamous cell skin cancer and 4 percent, with melanomathe most serious form of skin cancersBack to the interviewed patients190 reported that they had used tanning devices at some timeIn the control groupsonly 75 had used such devicesKaragas said a statistical analysis shows that those who used tanning equipment were 2.5 times more likely to get squamous cell skin cancer than those who had not used the devicesFor basal cell cancerthe risk was 1.5 times greater

The risk was highest for those who first used the tanning devices before the age of 20said KaragasFor this groupthe squamous cell cancer risk was 3.6 times greater than that of the controls while the basal cell cancer risk was 1.3 times greater




Mount医院皮肤病学部副主任James Spencer 博士说,无论是去人工日照美容院还是偶尔的皮肤晒伤都会对皮肤造成严重的伤害,但从长远来说,每天的少量接触对皮肤更为有害。

然而,国际人工日照网的副总裁Joseph ALevy却说,偶尔的晒伤是导致各种皮肤癌的危险因素,是人工日照行业所尽力制止的。




1).The passage confirms that using tanning equipment is harmful to one’s health.-R

2).The highest rate of skin cancers is found in teenagers who use sun lamps frequently.-W

3).Melanoma is a more serious cancer than lung cancer.-N

4).Karagas’s reported her research results basing on interviews with a group of skin cancer patients and a control group of people with no skin cancers.-R

5).Doctor James Spencer’s argument implies that in the long run, getting an infrequent sunburn is worse than the small, day-to-day exposure.-W

6).The passage mentions three forms of skin cancers, of which squamous cell skin cancer is the most dangerous.-W

7).It is implied in Mr. Levy’s argument (paragraph 5) that frequent exposure to sun lamps is safe.-R



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