
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-17

  In English:

  Every culture has a "boogie man," and although it may seem that these stories and myths are only a part of local legend, they really do become a part of the family, the community, and each individual's life. More importantly, they are carried on from generation to generation as a verbal legacy. Children around the world hear these stories throughout their childhood. Parents and older siblings use this to their advantage by reminding the children to behave, or else... or just to scare the little ones late at night, in a dark room.

  In Panama, the legend of the Tulivieja has become part of every Panamanian's childhood. I am told that older siblings, especially, tell this story to the younger ones late at night in the dark. In this newsletter, you will read the story of the Tulivieja and learn how it has become a part of everyday life in Panama.

  A long time ago, when the spirits lived among the mortals and were visible to them, one of the spirits incarnated itself into a beautiful girl. She became the pride of her town. A young boy fell in love with her and they produced a child. However, the beautiful girl, who was really a spirit, drowned the child to hide her true identity. It is said that God punished her for her sin by turning her into the Tulivieja.

  From a beautiful girl, the spirit was turned into a horrible monster. She has a face full of holes, long and bristly hair, claws instead of hands, the body of a cat and the feet of a horse. But the corporal change was not the brunt of her punishment. She was condemned to look for her drowned child forever. She continues to search along the riverbanks endlessly and call for her child in a voice that sounds like screeching birds. When the moon in full in the middle of the sky, she transforms into her once beautiful self, and bathes in the rivers. However, at the slightest sound, she quickly becomes the monster again.

  It is said that if you behave badly or are caught off guard, the Tulivieja will come at night and steal you right out of your bed. Remember that she is looking for a drowned child, and she just might make a mistake! Or, in revenge, she may steal a child away from an unsuspecting mother.


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