
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-05-08

11. We are making you our quotation for shoes ____.
A. as follows B. as following C. as follow D. following

12. We believe such an agreement will prove ____.
A. satisfied B. satisfy C. satisfactory D. satisfaction

13. We thank you for your letter of May 5th, ____ your purchase from us of 5000 tons Green Beans.
A. confirm B. to confirm C. confirming D. confirmed

14. This offer is ____ your reply reaching us before May 5th.
A. subject B. subjected C. subject to D. subjected to

15. If we had been informed in time, we ____ them for you.
A. reserve B. will reserve C. would have reserved D. will have reserved

Ⅲ. Draft a cable according to the following message; (Limit: 10 Telegraphic words) (5%)

你10日电,永久牌自行车 (Forever Brand Bicycle)价过高,必须减5%,否则成交无望,请电复。

 Ⅳ. Draft telexes according to the following messages: (10%)

1. 你10月5日电传悉,同意11月份装运,以20日前收到信用证为准。(电传缩写字不少于5个)

2. 关于信用证1178号的修改书,我已与此间银行联系,据告仍未收到,请向你银行查询,并速电复。(电传缩写字不少于8个)


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