
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-05-08

Ⅰ. Translate the following terms into Chinese: (10%)

1. Drawer __________
2. Carrier __________
3. Clean On Board B/L __________
4. S.R.C.C. __________
5. Insurer __________
6. F.O.B.C __________
7. Packing List __________
8. Shipping Space __________
9. Insurance Policy __________
10. D/A __________


Ⅱ. Choose the best answer (15%)

1. We have made ____ that we would accept D/P terms for your present order.
A. clear B. it is clear C. that clear D. it clear

2. We ____ some brochures ____ to illustrate the types of materials we manufacture.
A. enclose, --- B. enclose, you C. enclose, to you D. enclose you, ---

3. The consignment certainly does not match the samples ____ you sent us last month.
A. these B. --- C. what D. when

4. Your firm has been recommended to us by the James Olivier & Co. ____ we have done business for many years
A. which B. with whom C. whom D. with which

5. We will not be held responsible for any damage which results ____ rough handling.
A. from B. off C. in D. to

6. We are willing to renew the agreement on the same terms ____ last.
A. like B. as C. with D. to

7. We cannot see any possibility of business ____ your price is too high.
A. since B. while C. though D. that

8. We look forward to ____ trial order.
A. receiving your B. receive from you C. receipt your D. receipt

9. In ____ of quality, our make is superior.
A. terms B. term C. connection D. connections

10. You must be responsible for all the losses ____ from your delay in opening
the covering L/C.
A. arising B. rising C. arousing D. have arisen


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