
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-05-08

Ⅰ. Translate the following: (10%)
1. From English to Chinese: (5%)
1) Sales by trade mark or brand ____________
2) Conditioned weight ____________
3) Neutral packing ____________
4) Foul B/L ____________
5) Weight memo ____________
6) Particular average ____________
7) D/D (Demand Draft) ____________
8) Arbitral award ____________
9) Sole agency ____________
10) Commodity Exchange ____________

2. From Chinese to English: (5%)
1) 货交承运人(……指定地点)____________

2) 港口附加费 ____________

3) 免赔额(率)____________

4) 双边贸易____________

5) 包销____________

Ⅱ. Choose the correct answer: (20%)
1. We ______ your letter of Nov. 3 asking us to make a quotation.
a. go over b. have read c. refer to d. check up

2. Because of the ______ nature of the agreement, I was reluctant to discuss with him in office.
a. confidential b. delieate c. secret d. sophisticated

3. A 3% discount will be granted only ______ your order exceeds US $ 12,000.
a. depends on b. for condition that c. on condition that d. subject to

4. As requested, we are sending you by airmail the samples of men's shirts, ______ you will find them satisfactory.
a. hope b. to hope c. hoping d. hopefully

5. ______ compensation trade, we mean to pay for your machines with articles produced.
a. With b. Of c. By d. For


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