
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-05-08

I .Translate the following terms: 10%
1. From English into Chinese:
(1) PNTR
(2) Irrevocable Letter of Credit
(3) Blank Endorsement
(4) General Average
(5) FAQ
(6) DES
(7) Franchise
(8) FPA
(9) Bill of Exchange
(10) Auction

2. From Chinese into English (5%)

II.Choose the best answer for each of the following question (25%)
1. Contracts must be renewed one week _______ their expiration.
A on B against C the moment of D before

2. The commodities you offered are _________ line with the business scope of our clients.
A outside B out of C out D without

3. We are arranging for n inspection tour of _________ the material was processed.
A place B the place C where D there

4. We are reconsidering those trade terms _______ might be adverse to the interest of our principals.
A what B that C when D where

5. Information indicates that some similar goods of Indian origin have been sold here _______ about 30% lower than yours.
A with a level B at something C at quotation D with a figure


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