
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

31."Do you need more water in the pan?"

"No,it has ___________".

A,already enough full.

B,full already enough.

C,already had enough.

D,had already enough.

32.This is ___________ such a thing.

A,my first time of seeing.

B,my first time to see.

C,the first time I have ever seen.

D,my first time I have ever seen.

33."After that,what happened to him?"

"The chance to enter_____ come and he took it."

A,to college.

B,the college.

c.for college.


34.There has been (hardly no sign of )agreement (as yet)(between )the management and labor (in their )dispute over wages and working conditions.

35.________ lessons were not difficult.

A,our first few short French.

B,our few first short French.

c.our few first French short.

D,few our first French short.

36.Bill said that he didn't do _______ paper work.


B,lots of .

c.a great deal of .


37.I waited there for thirty minutes;that seemed ________ hours to me.


B,very much.

C,as many.

d.so many.

38.No one (on )the committee had flatly made (some )such allegation,(though)Wayne Morse did come (close)by declaring that the U.S.had irritated the North Vietnamese.

39.There (have been )(many)an argument (about)(its)proper usage.

40.(the social studies),(broad speaking),(deal with)man's (relationship to other men).



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