
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

4.Which of the following was NOT mentioned as part of the "new factory system?"

(A)A change in the organization of factories.

(B)A growth in the complexity of factories.

(C)An increase in the size of factories.

(D)An increase in the cost of manufacturing industrial products.

5.Which of the following statements about manufacturing before 1870can be inferred from the passage?

(A)Most manufacturing activity was highly organized.

(B)Most manufacturing occurred in relatively small plants.

(C)The most commonly manufactured goods were cotton presses.

(D)Manufacturing and agriculture each made up about half of the nation's economy.

6.The word "skilled"in line 16is closest in meaning to





7.The word "presided over"in line 20are closest in meaning to


(B)led to

(C)worked in


8.The author mentions the Baldwin Locomotive Works in lines 23-24because it was

(A)a well-known metal-works

(B)the first plant of its kind in Philadelphia

(C)typical of the large factories that were becoming more common

(D)typical of factories that consisted of a single building


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