
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

33.When is the internal temperature of a large desert mammal lower?

(A)Just before sunrise

(B)In the middle of the day

(C)Just after sunset

(D)Just after drinking

34.The word "tolerate"in line 13is closest in meaning to





35.What causes water intoxication?

(A)Drinking too much water very quickly

(B)Drinking polluted water

(C)Bacteria in water

(D)Lack of water.

36.What does the author imply about desert-adapted mammals?

(A)They do not need to eat much food.

(B)They can eat large quantities quickly

(C)They easily lose their appetites.

(D)They can travel long distances looking for food.

37.Why does the author mention humans in the second paragraph?

(A)To show how they use camels.

(B)To contrast them to desert mammals.

(C)To give instructions about desert survival.

(D)To show how they have adapted to desert life.

38.The word "obtain"in line 23is closest in meaning to






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