
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

12.The word "magnified"in line 6is closest in meaning to





13.The author mentions kinglets in line 9as an example of birds that

(A)protect themselves by nesting in holes.

(B)Nest with other species of birds

(C)Nest together for warmth

(D)Usually feed and nest in pairs.

14.The word "forage"in line 12is closest in meaning to





15.Which of the following statements about lesser and common kestrels is true?

(A)The lesser kestrel and the common kestrel have similar diets.

(B)The lesser kestrel feeds sociably but the common kestrel does not.

(C)The common kestrel nests in larger flocks than does the lesser kestrel.

(D)The common kestrel nests in trees,the lesser kestrel nests on the ground.

16.The word "counteracted"in line 24is closest in meaning to





17.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as an advantage derived by birds that huddle together while sleeping?

(A)Some members of the flock warm others of impending dangers.

(B)Staying together provides a greater amount of heat for the whole flock.

(C)Some birds in the flock function as information centers for others who are looking for food.

(D)Several members of the flock care for the young.

18.Which of the following is a disadvantage of communal roosts that is mentioned in the passage?

(A)Diseases easily spread among the birds.

(B)Groups are more attractive to predators than individual birds.

(C)Food supplies are quickly depleted

(D)Some birds in the group will attack the others.

19.The word "they"in line 25refers to

(A)a few birds

(B)mass roosts




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