
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

39.What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A)How cities in the United States began and developed

(B)Solutions to overcrowding in cities

(C)The changing definition of an urban area

(D)How the United States Census Bureau conducts a census

40.According to the passage,the population of the United States was first classified as rural or urban in





41.The word "distinguished"in line 3is closest in meaning to





42.Prior to 1900,how many inhabitants would a town have to have before being defines as urban?





43.According to the passage,why did the Census Bureau revise the definition of urban in 1950?

(A)City borders had become less distinct.

(B)Cities had undergone radical social change

(C)Elected officials could not agree on an acceptable definition.

(D)New businesses had relocated to larger cities.

44.The word "those"in line 9refers to





45.The word "constituting"in line 16is closest in meaning to

(A)located near

(B)determine by

(C)calling for

(D)marking up

46.The word "which"in line 18refers to a smaller





47.Which of the following is NOT true of an SMSA?

(A)It has a population of at least 50,000

(B)It can include a city's outlying regions

(C)It can include unincorporated regions

(D)It consists of at least two cities.

48.By 1970,what proportion of the population in the United States did NOT live in an SMSA?





49.The Census Bureau first used the term "SMSA"in





50.Where in the passage does the author mention names used by social scientists for an urban area?

(A)Lines 4-5

(B)Lines 7-8

(C)Lines 21-23

(D)Lines 27-29


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