
网络资源 Freekaoyan.com/2008-04-10

语法 (Page 174)

1.Some snakes lay eggs,but others _____ birth to live offspring.



(C)they give

(D)to have given

2.Because it was so closely related to communication,_____ art form to develop.

(A)drawing was probably the earliest

(B)to draw early was probably

(C)early drawing probably

(D)the earliest draw.

3.Halley's Comet had its first documented sighting in 240B.C.in China and _____ it has been seen from the Earth 29times.


(B)because of

(C)since then

(D)that is

4._____ that managers commit in problem solving is jumping to a conclusion about the cause of a given problem.

(A)Major errors.

(B)Since the major error

(C)The major error

(D)Of the major errors.

5.Algonkian-speaking Native Americans greeted the Pilgrims _____ settled on the eastern shores of what is now New England.

(A)to whom

(B)of which



6.The best known books of Ross Macdonald,_____ writer of detective novels,feature the character Lew Archer,a private detective.

(A)is the

(B)is an

(C)they are by



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